194 In situ characterization of thin film growth
© Woodhead Publishing Limited, 2011
refraction effects become dominant. EDS detectors have a large sensitive
area and accept radiation over a large solid angle. The acceptance solid
angle must be reduced in order to block X-rays emitted from the chamber
walls by X-ray uorescence or BSE impact. A collimator system consisting
of successive apertures is inserted between sample and detector. The Si(Li)
detector crystal must be cooled in order to reduce the thermal background
noise level. Cooling can use liquid nitrogen contained in a Dewar tank or,
more simply, stacked Peltier cooling stages. Most detectors are sealed with
a Be window in order to keep the crystal free of moisture condensation and
contamination. In addition, the foil removes and blocks the light and BSE.
Unfortunately, the Be window also acts as a lter absorbing the lower energy
part of X-ray photons. The sensitivity of the detector is progressively reduced
for photon energies below about 1 keV, cutting off, for instance, the oxygen
Ka radiation. The Be foil can be replaced with lower Z materials, such as
sapphire and C (in the form of polymer materials), or totally removed by
carefully keeping the detector under controlled vacuum conditions. Because
low Z window materials do not efciently block fast BSE, a strong permanent
magnetic can be used to dump the electrons before reaching the detector.
An additional requirement is to keep the detector crystal and the window
foil free of material deposition. This is very important for quantitative analyses
because any deposit will cause a nonlinear, selective absorption of X-rays
and will selectively modify the intensities of measured peaks. A solution for
materials with a low evaporation temperature is to use a heat control able to
keep the foil clean during the process. This technique is used for elimination
of the deposition of As during GaAs/AlGaAs by Pellegrino et al. (1998).
Another approach is the use of an easily replaceable thin Be foil (Sun et al.,
2009). In case the detector head cannot be easily accessed, moving a lm like
Mylar in front of the detector is another possible approach. Finally, X-ray
energy dispersive detectors are not bakeable and must be placed far enough
from the chamber wall or mounted on a mechanical retraction to move the
detector far enough to stay at ambient temperature.
Quantication of characteristic X-ray line spectra
The signal intensity I
of an element A is given by general Formula 7.7.
The matrix factor is given by the product
M = w
· d/cos (q
) B · F [7.11]
of the uorescence yield w
for transition i, the backscattering factor B, the
uorescence factor F, and the attenuation length, corrected for the takeoff
angle q
. the factor B becomes more signicant when both incident and take
off angles are small and is calculated by Monte Carlo simulations (CASINO).
the standard method for quantitative calculation of atomic concentrations