Birlik (Unity) Uzbek nationalist group founded in Tashkent
Gorbachev replaces Kolbin as Kazakhstan party boss with Nursultan
Nazarbayev, an ethnic Kazakh; Uzbek mobs attack Meskhetian Turks
in Fergana Valley in Uzbekistan; Uzbeks and Tajiks clash in Tajik-
istan; Islam Karimov becomes Communist Party leader in Uzbekistan
Democratic Kyrgyzstan movement founded; Bloody Uzbek-Kyrgyz riots in
Osh in Kyrgyzstan; Karimov chosen president of Uzbekistan by par-
liament; Nazarbayev chosen president of Kazakhstan by parliament;
Askar Akayev chosen president of Kyrgyzstan by parliament; Niyazov,
running unopposed, elected president of Turkmenistan with 98.3 per-
cent of the vote; Kahar Mahkamov chosen president of Tajikistan by
March: Central Asian voters strongly support continuation of the
Soviet Union in national referendum
August: Unsuccessful coup against Gorbachev
December 25: Gorbachev resigns as president of the Soviet Union
December 31: At midnight, the Soviet Union officially ceases to exist
Independent Central Asia: 1991–the present
August: Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan declare independence
September: Tajikistan declares independence
October: Turkmenistan declares independence; Akayev, running unop-
posed, elected president of Kyrgyzstan with 95 percent of the vote
November 24: Rahmon Nabiyev elected president of Tajikistan with 57
percent of the vote
December 1: Nazarbayev, running unopposed, elected president of Ka-
zakhstan with 98.8 percent of the vote
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