When the line is not balanced, the bottleneck machine limits the system through-
put. In this case, larger buffers are needed before and after the bottleneck machine to
reduce its probability of being blocked or starved.
Principles of Buffer Design: In order to obtain a certain throughput when the
machine failures occur at random, larger buffer spaces are needed in the following
1. When there are more unreliable machines in the line
2. When the reliability of the machines is lower
3. When a machine’s MTBF and MTTR are much longer than its operation time
4. On both sides of a bottleneck machine in unbalanced lines
5. In the middle of the line in balanced lines.
The five examples below correspo nd to these five principles.
Example 1: Consider a four-machine asynchronous serial line in which all machines
have the same operation speed and identical reliability data: MTBF ¼ 9 minutes,
MTTR ¼ 1 minute, and the machine operation time is T ¼ 1 minute. According to
Eq. (7.2), each machine has a reliability R ¼ 0.9 (90%). Our PAMS software shows
that without any buffers the system throughput is 0.72 parts/minute. To reach an
expected throughput of 0.8 parts/minute, a total of four buffer spaces are required in
the system: B1 ¼ 1; B2 ¼ 2; B3 ¼ 1. (B1 is the buffer between the first and second
machine, B2 is the buffer between the second and the third machine, etc.) However, if
the line is expanded to eight machines with all other data unchanged, without any
buffer the system throughput is decreased from 0.72 to 0.60 parts/minute. To reach the
expected throughput of 0.8 parts/minute, the system requires 15 buffer spaces that are
spread as follows: B1 ¼ 1; B2 ¼ 2; B3 ¼ 3; B4 ¼ 3; B5 ¼ 3; B6 ¼ 2; B7 ¼ 1.
Example 2: The reliability of the machines in Example 1 is lower. Given: MTB F
¼ 5.6667 minute and MTTR ¼ 1 minute, so according to Eq. (7.2)R ¼ 0.85 (85%).
The machine operation time is T ¼ 1 minute. Without any buffers the four-machine
system can only reach a throughput of 0.62 parts/minute. To reach the expected
throughput of 0.8 parts/minute, 17 buffer spaces are required: B1 ¼ 5; B2 ¼ 7; B3 ¼ 5.
Note that a decrease in the machine reliability requires a substantial increase in the
buffer total capacity from 4 to 17 spaces.
Example 3: Consider again the four-machine case in Example 1 with reliability
R ¼ 0.9 (90%). Without any buffers the system has an integrated throughput of
0.72 parts/minute. Now let us keep the relia bility of each machine at R ¼ 90%, but
expand MTBF and MTTR by 10 times. Namely, MTBF ¼ 90 minutes and MTT R
¼ 10 minutes. Now the system throughp ut is reduced to 0.696 parts/minute when no
buffers exist in the system. Furthermore, if we expand MTBF and MT TR by 100 times
so that MTBF ¼ 900 minutes and MTTR ¼ 100 minutes (the machine reliability is
still 90%), the system throughput becomes only 0.693 parts/minute.
Principle 3 states that if the machines in the system maint ain a constant reliability,
but MTBF and MTTR are increased, the system throughput is decreased. The system
reaches a higher throughput when the breakdowns and repairs occur more frequently.