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Complex eigenvalues indicate an oscillatory system (Figure 11b, d). Inversely, a system
with only real eigenvalues is non-oscillatory (Figure 11a, c, e). Therefore, the sign of
eigenvalue provides information on the convergence or divergence of the system, i.e. on its
stability or non-stability, respectively: a negative real eigenvalue (or real part) indicates a
stable system, i.e. a system which converges (returns) to steady state (equilibrium) (after
disruption) (Figure 11a, b). A positive real eigenvalue (or real part) indicates an unstable
solution which means that the system never converge to steady state (Figure 11d, e). When
some eigenvalues are positive and others are negative, the system has a sell point, which
represents a fragile equilibrium state leading the system to be unstable (Figure 11c).
III.6. Scheffe Matrix Based Approach
Metabolic system can be undertaken under a background consisting of different observed
regulation patterns issued from a common metabolic backbone considered as a central black
box. Such patterns represent extreme metabolic trends which are characterized by more or
less high regulation ratios of some metabolites due to more or less high expressions of some
metabolic pathways (Figure 12a). Therefore, any observed metabolic profile can be
considered as more or less closer to one of these metabolic patterns. Statistically, any
observed profile can be expressed by a particular combination of the extreme patterns
affected by appropriate weights: the variation of the combined pattern weights leads to a set
of combinations corresponding to different average patterns (Figure 12b); such mixture-
resulting average patterns will be more or less close to the different observed profiles. Under
a chemical aspect, the combination of different patterns can be assimilated to a
concentration/dilution process where the more weighted patterns will be concentrated and the
less ones will be diluted in the mixture.
After iterations of the complete set of combinations (Figure 12c), a response matrix of
smoothed profiles is obtained by averaging the repeated average profiles’ matrices (Figure
12d). Such a final smoothed data matrix is then used to analyze graphically the metabolic
processes which would be responsible for the observed polymorphism (Figure 12e). More
details are given in Figures 13 and 14.
The complete set of linear combinations of extreme states (or basic components) can be
formalised by a mixture design represented by Scheffe matrix (Figure 13) (Sado and Sado,
1991; Scheffe, 1958, 1963; Duineveld et al., 1993). The total number N of combinations to
carry out depends on two parameters: (i) the number of components (patterns) to combine and
(ii) the number n (constant) of elements (e.g. metabolic profiles) to mix in each combination.
An illustration of the Scheffe matrix is given for q=4 components and n=10 elements
representing the q components in each mixture (Figure 13b). Each combination can be
summarized by an average profile (Figure 14a). The mixture design is iterated several times
to take into account the variability of the observed metabolic profiles (Figure 14b). From k
iterations, a final response matrix containing a complete set of smoothed metabolic profiles is
calculated by averaging all the k response matrices (Figure 14c). This smoothed final
response matrix can be used to graphically analyse the variability between regulation ratios of
different metabolites in order to understand metabolic processes responsible for the observed
polymorphism (Figure 14d):