1.8. The Stalled Demographic Transition 23
helpful in selecting from the considerable number of s-shaped curves that
can be devised.
As a means for population forecasting, the logistic has become some-
thing of a museum piece. Any such overall approach, disregarding births,
deaths, migration, and age distribution, is useful only in circumstances
where resources decisively determine population without regard to differ-
ences among individuals. When, on the other hand, births, migration, and
even deaths are socially determined, we are better off to attempt their
separate forecasting, however uncertain this has been shown to be.
1.8 The Stalled Demographic Transition
In a famous article Notestein (1945) wrote about “the stage of transitional
growth ... in which the decline of both fertility and mortality is well estab-
lished but in which the decline of mortality precedes that of fertility and
produces rapid growth.” His demographic transition refers to the unifor-
mity of change from high to low birth and death rates among the countries
of Europe and those overseas that had developed industrially. They showed
first a decline in death rates, starting at the beginning of the nineteenth
century or earlier, followed after a longer or shorter interval by a decline in
birth rates. In France the fall in births was nearly simultaneous with that in
deaths, whereas in England births did not begin to decline until about 1870,
but all countries resembled one another to some degree (Flieger 1967). Our
first question concerns the difference to the ultimate population of a given
delay in the fall of the birth curve, a question of concern to the countries
of Asia and Latin America whose deaths have now fallen but whose births
remain high.
Suppose the deaths of a population go through a descending curve d(t)
and its births through b(t), as in Figure 1.1. The initial and final conditions
are both of zero increase; that is, the curves coincide at beginning and end.
We seek the ratio of increase in the population between its initial and final
stationary conditions.
Whatever the shape of the two descending curves of Figure 1.1, if they
begin and end together the exponential of the area between them is the total
increase over the time in question. For
[b(t) − d(t)] dt =
r(t) dt = A,
say, according to (1.6.1) the ratio of increase in the population must be
r(t) dt], or simply e
. This applies for any pair of monotonically
descending curves that start at the same level and end at the same level.
In the special case where the birth and death curves of Figure 1.1 have
the same shape as well, with b(t) lagging L behind d(t), and both dropping
K over the transition, the area A equals KL, that is, the common difference
between initial and final height, multiplied by the time by which the birth
curve lags behind the death curve. For by dividing the interval between
them into horizontal strips, equal in length to the lag L, it is plain that the