Early Wesleyanism: 1740–1770 51
1743, on the text ‘Christ Jesus our wisdom, righteousness,
sanctificationand redemption’, herecorded that he hadseldom
seen an audience so greatly moved since the time of his first
preaching at Bristol.
Men, women and children wept, and groaned, and trembled exceed-
ingly. Many could not contain themselves in those bounds but cried
with a loud and bitter cry. It was the same at the meeting of the soci-
ety, and likewise in the morning, while I was showing the happiness
of those ‘whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sin is covered’
(Romans 1: 7). I afterwards spoke with twelve or fourteen of them
severally, and found good ground to believe that God had given them
to ‘taste of the good word and of the powers of the world to come ’.
A subculture of tears and cries and of ‘the powers of the
world to come ’: this, not abstract beliefs and doctrines, in an
atmosphere radically unlike that of the parish church, reflects
not only Harvey’s comment, but Feuerbach’s understanding
of the power of the small community to generate its own
religious images, rites and music.
Scholars sometimes argue that Wesleyanism began as
part of the gradual expansion of pietist influence from
the late seventeenth century into the 1730s throughout the
Protestant world.
Professional historians have become no-
ticeably cautious about interpreting, as distinct from record-
ing, eighteenth-century religious material. They hesitate to go
beyond reporting the pietist explanations of the spread of new
religious movements given at the time, according to which
what were called revivals were the results of ‘extr aordinary
outpourings of the Spirit’, for which God rather than man
took the responsibility. In later life John Wesley was fond of
recalling how, years before, ‘two young men without a name,
without friends, without either power or fortune, set out from
Collegewithprinciples totally different fromthose of thecom-
mon people, to oppose all the world, learned and unlearned’.