The Protestant recovery 25
It is in this context that one should approach the problems
presented by the growth of eighteenth-centur y Wesleyanism.
English religious life in the eighteenth century did not consist
ofChristianity, madeup of ahegemonicAnglicanism, together
with subsidiary groups of Dissenters and Roman Catholics,
while on the less well-documented fringes of society there was
popular religion, which survived chiefly among agricultural
workers and had no importance. As I have already suggested,
this description overemphasises the traditional view that an
evangelical revival began in the 1730s because a small group
of men returned to the primitive faith of Christianity and
evokeda ferventresponse in alargelyunconvertedpopulation.
This was John Wesley’s own view of what had happened: for
example, he told the Leeds Conference in 176 6 that:
in November 1738, two or three persons who desired to flee from the
wrath to come, and then seven or eight more, came to me in London
and desired me to advise them. I said, ‘if you will meet me on Thursday
night, I will help you as well as I can’. More and more then desired to
meet with them, till they were increased to many hundreds.The case
was afterwards the same at Bristol, Kingswood, Newcastle, and many
other parts of England, Scotland and Ireland.
In this particular instance Wesley reduced the causation to
the work of the Holy Spirit, which impelled people to look
for salvation, and to his own role, as being able to tell them
what they should do. To these incidents Wesley ascribed his
absolute power to appoint when, where and how the societies
should meet, and to remove those whose lives showed they
had no desire to flee from the wrath to come.
The strong element of primary religion in the first gener-
ation of Wesleyanism, from about 1740 to 1770, meant that
the steady growth of a new religious organisation had for
some time only slight sociopolitical consequences. The early
Wesleyan societies were unconcerned about their possible