40 Wesley and the Wesleyans
be detached from the intellectual preoccupations of his age,
and his attitude to claims about the spiritual life ceased to be
empirical, because he had adopted precritical standards.
As far as the ‘confessional’ letter which John wrote to
Charles Wesley is concerned, one should beware of reading it
in too modern a context, of taking it for granted that Wesley
was writing in the style of Kierkegaard, or suddenly revealing
a previously concealed scepticism. Martin Schmidt, for exam-
ple, clamed that ‘this was a thoroughly modern f eeling which
seized his soul. The traditional concepts had lost their potency,
and nihilism was beginning to make itself felt in the form of
a horror of complete emptiness and absurdity.’
Schmidt is
very perceptive on Wesley’s character, but here I must dis-
agree. Wesley was admitting that he had not found sanctifying
faith, and even that he rarely became conscious of the pres-
ence of the divine Spirit, though his accounts of Methodist
society meetings in the Journal would become suspect if one
took this statement as exact. What he was expressing, for all
that he denied that he was overcome by fear, was a deep dread
of an inscrutable divine power, which might be satisfied, even
well pleased, with a ‘sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving’, but
which could choose not to be pleased and could, so to speak,
walk away, abandoning the human soul not to hell (because
hell was a place for the negative, or deliberate sinner, and for
active punishment) but to a special limbo reserved for rejected
Arminians.Their e pitaph might be rendered: they danced, but
they did not please. Schmidt argued that: ‘[Wesley] trusted
God not only with a childlike faith in providence, but with all
the tenacity of a mature man who was clear in his own mind as
to what he was doing and what he was risking, but who in his
decisions and actions knew himself to be only a tool in the firm
grasp of him who had laid his hand upon him.’
Rather, what
Wesley relied on was the effect of his preaching, which still