renaissance philosophy
and when the causes which led him to pledge it are removed. No prince, he says,
was ever at a loss for plausible reasons to cloak breach of faith. But how will
people believe princes who constantly break their word? It is simply a matter of
skill in deception, and Pope Alexander VI is singled out for praise in this regard.
‘No man ever had a more effective manner of asseverating, or made promises
with more solemn protestations, or observed them less. And yet, because he
understood this side of human nature, his frauds always succeeded.’
Summing up, then, a prince should speak and bear himself so that to see and
hear him, one would think him the embodiment of mercy, good faith, integrity,
humanity, and religion. But in order to preserve his princedom he will frequently
have to break all rules and act in opposition to good faith, charity, humanity, and
The recent monarch whom Machiavelli singles out as ‘the foremost King in
Christendom’ is Ferdinand of Aragon. This king’s achievements had indeed been
formidable. With his wife Isabella of Castile he had united the kingdoms of
Spain, and established peace after years of civil war. He had ended the Moorish
kingdom of Granada, and encouraged Columbus in his acquisition of Spanish
colonies in America. He had driven out the Jews as well as the Moors from Spain.
From Pope Sixtus IV he had obtained the establishment of an independent
Spanish Inquisition, and from Alexander VI a bull dividing the New World
between Portugal and Spain, with Spain obtaining the lion’s share. The quality
which Machiavelli singles out for praise is Ferdinand’s ‘pious cruelty’.
Machiavelli devotes one chapter of The Prince to Ecclesiastical Princedoms.
‘These Princes alone,’ he says, ‘have territories which they do not defend, and
subjects whom they do not govern; yet their territories are not taken from them
through not being defended, nor are their subjects concerned at not being gov-
erned, or led to think of throwing off their allegiance, nor is it in their power to
do so. Accordingly these Princedoms alone are secure and happy.’
This state of things, which Machiavelli attributes to ‘the venerable ordinances
of religion’, was hardly what obtained during the pontificate of Julius II, the
warlike Pope who succeeded Alexander VI and put an end to the hopes of Cesare
Borgia. As Machiavelli himself described it, ‘He undertook the conquest of Bologna,
the overthrow of the Venetians, and the expulsion of the French from Italy; in all
which enterprises he succeeded’.
Julius II, a della Rovere nephew of Sixtus IV, was much more of a prince than
a pastor. But he did not entirely fulfil Machiavelli’s maxim that a prince should
have no care or thought but for war. He was a great patron of artists, and the
rooms which Raphael decorated for him in the Vatican contain some of the most
loving representations of philosophers and philosophical topics in the history of
art (see Plate 13). He employed Michelangelo to decorate the ceiling of his uncle’s
Sistine Chapel, and commissioned Bramante to build a new church of St Peter,
taking the hammer himself to commence the destruction of the old basilica. He
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