early christian philosophy
time, in which the good suffer and the wicked prosper. After the resurrection of
the body, good Christians who have died in the love of God will enjoy everlasting
happiness in the heavenly City of God; Christians who are unrepentant, heretics,
and all those who died unbaptized, whether as adults or as children, will be
damned, and their bodies will burn for ever in hell. The choice of those who were
to be saved, and implicitly also of those who were damned, was made by God
long before they had come into existence or had done any deeds good or bad.
The relation between divine predestination and human virtue and vice pre-
occupied Augustine’s last years. After the sack of Rome there escaped to Africa
a British ascetic named Pelagius, who held a passionate belief in the liberty and
autonomy of human beings, even in their relation to God. The sin of Adam, he
taught, had not damaged his heirs except by setting them a bad example; human
beings, throughout their history, retained full freedom of the will for the practice
of virtue or vice. Death was a natural necessity, not a punishment for sin, and
pagans who had used their freedom virtuously went at death to a place of beati-
tude; Christians were given by God the special grace of baptism, which entitled
them to the superior happiness of heaven. Such special graces were allotted by
God to those he foresaw would deserve them.
All this was anathema to Augustine, who believed that the whole human race
had, in some way, taken part in the sin of Adam, so that all human beings
descended from him by sexual propagation inherited sinfulness as well as mortal-
ity in their genes. We corrupt humans after the Fall have no freedom, unaided, to
do good deeds; we need God’s grace not only to gain heaven, but to avoid a life
of continual sinning. Augustine who, in his youth, had offered to prove philo-
sophically that humans enjoyed freedom of choice, now maintained that the only
freedom of the will which we retain is the freedom to choose one sin rather than
another. Grace is allotted to some people rather than others not on the basis of
any merits, actual or foreseen, but simply by the inscrutable good pleasure of
God. As we children of Adam are all members of a cursed mass of perdition, none
of us has any grounds to complain if only a few of us, by God’s mercy, have the
sentence of damnation remitted.
The teaching of Pelagius was condemned at a Council at Carthage in 418, but
the debate went on and Augustine’s position continually hardened. Monks in
monasteries in Africa and France complained that if Augustine’s minimal view of
human freedom was correct, then exhortation and rebuke were vain, and indeed
the whole discipline of monastic life was pointless. In response Augustine insisted
that not only the initial call to Christianity, but even the perseverance in virtue of
the most devout Christian approaching death was a matter of sheer grace: he
pointed to the example of an eighty-four-year-old monk who had just taken a
If predestination was necessary for salvation, critics asked, was it also sufficient?
Could someone, offered grace, reject it? If so, then human freedom would indeed
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