greek philosophy after aristotle
Christian attitudes to philosophy varied. Some of the early Christian writers, such
as Justin Martyr, a convert to the new religion from Platonism, used texts from
Plato’s dialogues to Christian purposes, claiming that Plato had been influenced
by the Hebrew Bible. Others, such as the African writer Tertullian, claimed that
Athens and Jerusalem had nothing in common, and condemned all attempts to
produce a Stoic, Platonic, or dialectical Christianity.
Orthodox Christian theologians in the second century, however, were engaged
in battle less with hostile systems of pagan philosophy than with groups within
the Church who devised heady mixtures of Platonic cosmology, Jewish prophecy,
Christian theology, and Oriental mystery-mongering. Whereas both Jesus and
Paul had preached a message that was available to the poor and unlearned no less
than to scholarly rabbis or erudite philosophers, the members of these groups,
known collectively as Gnostics, claimed to be in possession of special mysterious
knowledge (‘Gnosis’) which had been handed down in secret by the first apostles
and which set its possessors in a privileged position apart from the simple faithful.
Gnostics did not believe that the material world was created by the good God;
it was the work of lesser, malevolent powers, and its creation was an utter disaster.
The cosmos was governed by evil powers living in the planetary spheres, and
during life a good Gnostic should shun any involvement in the business of the
world. At death the soul, if properly purified by Gnostic ritual, would fly to God’s
heaven, armed with incantations which would open the barriers placed in its way
by the evil powers. Because the world was evil, it was sinful to marry and beget
children. Some Gnostics practised an ascetic discipline, others were riotously
promiscuous; in both cases the basic premise was that sex was contemptible.
Mainstream Christian writers denounced Gnosticism as heresy (using the word
‘hairesis’ – the Greek word for a philosophical sect). They were more at ease with
philosophers totally outside the Church, such as members of the Stoic school,
which had returned to popularity under the rule of the Roman Emperors. How-
ever, the adherents of such classical philosophical traditions commonly despised
Christianity, which they did not always clearly distinguish from Gnostic heresy or
traditional Judaism. When the Stoic philosopher Marcus Aurelius became Emperor
in 161 he proved himself a callous persecutor of the Christians.
The Roman Empire had now reached its greatest extent. By the death of
Augustus its northern frontier had been consolidated along the Danube and the
Rhine; under his immediate successors the province of Britain had been added to
the Empire and imperial rule extended along the whole of the North African
coast so that the Mediterranean became a Roman Sea. Under Marcus Aurelius
himself its eastern frontier was extended to the Euphrates.
For a hundred years after the defeat of Mark Antony the Empire had been
ruled by members of the family of Caesar and Augustus. Successive Emperors
had illustrated in their persons, in varying degrees, the adage that absolute power
corrupts absolutely. For those within the immediate reach of the Emperors the
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