the system of aristotle
Grand Designer. Rather, he is laying emphasis on the function of various activities
and structures. Once again, he was better inspired in the area of the life sciences
than in chemistry and physics. Even post-Darwinian biologists are constantly on
the look-out for function; but no one after Newton has sought a teleological
explanation of the motion of inanimate bodies.
Words and Things
Unlike his work in the empirical sciences, there are aspects of Aristotle’s theoret-
ical philosophy which still have much to teach us. In particular, he says things of
the highest interest about the nature of language, about the nature of reality, and
about the relationship between the two.
In his Categories Aristotle drew up a list of different types of things which
might be said of an individual. It contains ten items: substance, quantity, quality,
relation, place, time, posture, clothing, activity, and passivity. It would make sense
to say of Socrates, for instance, that he was a human being (substance), was five
feet tall (quantity), was gifted (quality), was older than Plato (relation), lived in
Athens (place), was a man of the fifth-century bc (time), was sitting (posture),
had a cloak on (clothing), was cutting a piece of cloth (activity), was killed by a
poison (passivity). This classification was not simply a classification of predicates
in language: each irreducibly different type of predicate, so Aristotle believed, stood
for an irreducibly different type of entity. In ‘Socrates is a man’, for instance, the
word ‘man’ stood for a substance, namely Socrates. In ‘Socrates was poisoned’
the word ‘poisoned’ stood for an entity called a passivity, namely the poisoning of
Socrates. Aristotle perhaps believed that every possible entity, however it might
initially be classified, would be found ultimately to belong to one and only one of
the ten categories. Thus, Socrates is a man, an animal, a living being, and ultimately
a substance; the murder committed by Aigisthos is a murder, a homicide, a killing,
and ultimately an activity.
The category of substance was of primary importance. Substances are things like
women, lions, and cabbages which can exist independently, and can be identified
as individuals of a particular kind; a substance is, in Aristotle’s homely phrase, ‘a
this such-and-such’ – this cat, or this carrot. Things falling into the other categories
(which Aristotle’s successors would call ‘accidents’) are not separable; a size, for
instance, is always the size of something. Items in the ‘accidental’ categories exist
only as properties or modifications of substances.
Aristotle’s categories do not seem exhaustive, and appear to be of unequal
importance. But even if we accept them as one possible classification of predic-
ates, is it correct to regard predicates as standing for anything? If ‘Socrates runs’
is true, must ‘runs’ stand for an entity of some kind in the way that ‘Socrates’
stands for Socrates? Even if we say yes, it is clear that this entity cannot be the
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