PART 2 2
Class 1340 Rockets, Rocket Ammunition and Rocket Components
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These rockets are intended to engage different kinds of
ground targets (from manpower to armor materiel and
hardened shelters) and can be used from the following
types of aircraft and helicopters: Su-24, Su-25, Su-27,
MiG-27, MiG-29, Mi-8, Mi-24, Mi-28, Ka-252 and
Rockets are launched from B-13L and B-13L1 rocket
The S-13 unguided aircraft rockets are classified as air-
to-ground rockets. The basic rocket is a concrete-
piercing rocket, type S-13, comprising an extended
high-energy solid-propellant rocket motor and pene-
trating warhead.
The S-13 rocket boasts a number of modifications with
different warheads:
- S-13T with two-module HE fragmentation concrete-
piercing warhead;
- S-13-OF with HE fragmentation warhead;
- S-13D with fuel-air explosive warhead;
- S-13DF with enhanced power fuel-air explosive war-
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;8_F6`F6H8F? _5= :E;6a8FB= F6`8>F?C b858c ;6`5BHFE-
dE <B_6 (EA aB<Ec 7B5? B D;EFB;E<6FFEc A8CFB@B _E E7EDE
:;EHF?C 9@;?ABc) B >Ed9A :;B>8F=Ae7= 7 76>E58AE< B <8;-
AE58AE<: f9-24, f9-25, f9-27, Bg-27, Bg-29, B-8,
B-24, B-28, !6-252, !6-50.
97@ ;6@8A E79G87A<5=8A7= B` D5E@6 E;9_Bc h-13
B h-131.
89:;6<5=8>?8 6<B6bBEFF?8 ;6@8A? () 7B7A8>? f-13
EAFE7=A7= @ ;6@8A6> @56776 «<E`_9C - `8>5=». h6`E<Ec ;6-
@8AEc 7B7A8>? =<5=8A7= D8AEFEDEcF6= F89:;6<5=8>6=
6<B6bBEFF6= ;6@8A6 f-13, 7E7AE=G6= B` <?7E@EkF8;d8-
ABHFEdE ;6@8AFEdE _<Bd6A85= A<8;_EdE AE:5B<6 DE5elEdE
9_5BF8FB= B :;EFB@6mG8c DE8<Ec H67AB.
6 D6`8 ;6@8A? f-13 7E`_6F b85?c ;=_ ED;6`bE< 7 ;6`-
5BHF?>B DE8<?>B H67A=>B (hn):
f-13" - 7 _<9C>E_95eFEc E7@E5EHFE-o9d67FEc D8AEFEDEc-
FEc hn;
f-13- p - 7 E7@E5EHFE-o9d67FEc hn;
f-13q - 7 EDr8>FE-_8AEFB;9mG8c 7>87em;
f-13qp - 7 EDr8>FE-_8AEFB;9mG8c 7>87em 97B58FFEc
S-13, S-13T
The S-13 is intended to destroy aircraft in reinforced
concrete shelters, as well as war materiel and man-
power in hardened shelters.
The S-13T is intended to destroy aircraft in different
types of shelters, including reinforced ones, demolish
runways and defeat command, control and communi-
cations posts and other objects.
The S-13T rocket is developed from the S-13 to
enhance its lethality owing to employment of two sep-
arable autonomous warheads: the first warhead is a
penetrating type (analog of the S-13 rocket warhead),
while the second one is a HE fragmentation warhead.
Design solutions, used to develop the S-13T rocket,
enabled the designers to increase the quantity of
explosives to be delivered behind a barrier and ensure
-13, -13
f-13 :;8_F6`F6H8F6 _5= 9FBHAEa8FB= 76>E58AE< < a858-
`ED8AEFF?C 9@;?AB=C, 6 A6@a8 EDr8@AE< <E8FFEc A8CFB@B
B aB<Ec 7B5? < E7EDE :;EHF?C 9@;?AB=C.
f-13" :;8_F6`F6H8F6 _5= 9FBHAEa8FB= 76>E58AE< < 9@;?-
AB=C ;6`5BHFEdE AB:6, < AE> HB758 B 97B58FF?C, @E>6F_-
F?C :9F@AE<, 6 A6@a8 <?<E_6 B` 7A;E= <`58AFE-:E76_EHF?C
:E5E7 6k;E_;E>E<, :9F@AE< 7<=`B B _;9dBC EDr8@AE<, 6
A6@a8 _5= 9FBHAEa8FB= @E>6F_F?C :9F@AE<.
f-13" ;6`;6DEA6F6 7 b85em :E<?l8FB= >Ed9G87A<6
f-13 `6 7H8A :;B>8F8FB= _<9C ;6`_85=mGBC7= 6<AE-
FE>F?C DE8<?C H67A8c, :8;<6= B` @EAE;?C =<5=8A7= :;E-
FB@6mG8c (6F65Ed hn f-13), <AE;6= - E7@E5EHFE-o9d67-
FEc. !EF7A;9@AB<F?8 ;8l8FB=, `65Ea8FF?8 :;B ;6`;6-
DEA@8 f-13", :E`<E5=mA F8 AE5e@E :E<?7BAe @E5BH8-
7A<E <`;?<H6AEdE <8G87A<6, `6FE7B>EdE `6 :;8d;6_9, FE B