PART 2 2
!"#$%&' ($%&)!*% +,! , # 6
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61)'*&)!*% +)+(&"' 2 *& 0,65 - 0,9
=16(&'' ! )1)!*% +)$6*, #/! 400
Basic Characteristics
Max launch range, km 6
Launch weight, kg 42.5
Warhead weight, kg 7.4
Warhead type HEAT, rod, FAE
Armor penetration (with ERA), mm 800
Guidance system radio command
Tank hit probability 0.65 - 0.9
Average flight speed, m/s 400
The missile is designed to engage pinpoint armored
and slow flying air targets, as well as weapon
emplacements of the enemy.
After the helicopter crew decides to launch a missile,
the navigator (operator) aligns the fixed mark with the
target and presses the input button, thereby selecting
the corrected program target tracking mode. As a
result, the laser range finder measures the target
range in the automatic mode and presents the
obtained data on the multifunctional display, as well as
the information on requisite maneuvers to bring the
helicopter to a permissible launch zone. The pilot flies
the helicopter to keep the movable target mark in the
fixed square.
The operator makes sure that the fixed mark is aligned
with the target and, if necessary, makes corrections
by manipulating the guidance unit joysticks. When the
helicopter is in the permissible launch zone, the digi-
tal computer sends the in-range command to the mul-
tifunctional display. On this command the operator
performs missile launch.
During missile flight, the operator keeps the fixed
mark on the multifunctional display in alignment with
the target and, if necessary, adjusts the position of the
sight line by manipulating the guidance unit joysticks
until the impact of the missile with the target. During
this process, the helicopter can maneuver in yaw with-
110 degrees with banks of up to 30 degrees.
The launch tube serves as a guide for the fired missile
and also as a container for missile transportation,
storage and carriage.
Carriers: Mi-24V, Mi-24P, Mi-28.
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216#' ()+,! r*!' #&621l 261*)$6* +) ,1!, 2 +16(6-
$m ±110
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+12$'rq66 ,!*1)7!*2) )(&)216#6&&) !$,;"* )&*67-
&61)# +1" *1&!+)1*"1)2 6, m1&6&"" " +616&)! 6
1 6*l.
)!"*6$": "-24, "-24, "-28.
Class 1410 Guided Missiles
=.4-- 14 .261>6 / 27/62/6
/67> (27-562>)
$!! 1410 +12$'6#l6 1 6*l " 1 6*l-&)!"*6$"