PART 3 3
Class 1905 Combat Ships and Landing Vessels
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roll-damping fins. Target designation data are sup-
plied to the antiship weapon complex from an
active/passive complex receiving the data either from
an airborne source (airplane, helicopter) or another
ship. The destroyer is armed with a multichannel air-
defense missile complex capable of handling several
targets simultaneously. The helicopter pad is located
on the quarterdeck.The ship’s major caliber is repre-
sented by 100mm fully automatic gun mounts.
Officers and petty officers are accommodated in
cabins and seamen in small berthing rooms. All living
spaces are air-conditioned.
.N74 - 3 I10N 8 I/ N613I2 39161R O/.N74 - 19 M1-
H131Q1 P10985/ H1 516P4. c162M1HI109U I2 1Q6/-
I8K2I/. d.L NP2IUT2I8L 5/K58 10I/e2I NO6/3.L-
2P4P8 7169134P8 6N.LP8. f2.2N5/J/I82 O6198-
31516/72.UI1PN 6/529I1PN 51PO.250N (G) 34-
H/290L /5983I1-O/0083I4P 51PO.2501P, 8P2X-
e8P 5/I/. O682P/ H/II4M 19 3I2TI2Q1 /38/V81I-
I1Q1 (0/P1.29, 32691.29) 8091KI85/ V2.2N5/J/I8L
8.8 19 H6NQ1Q1 516/7.L. 0I/e2I g PI1Q15/-
I/.UI1Q1 NO6/3.2I8L 8 I/32H2I8L I/ I2051.U51
V2.2R 1HI1362P2II1. h2691.29I/L O.1e/H5/ O1H-
IL9/ I/ 53/6926H25. i./3I4R /698..268R058R 5/-
.876 O62H09/3.2I O1.I109UX /391P/98J8613/I-
I4P8 130-PP k. l8V264 8 09/6T8I4 6/JP2e2-
I4 3 5/X9/M, P/96104 - 3 P/.1P209I4M 5N7685/M,
302 S8.42 O1P2e2I8L 51IH8V81I8613/I4.
!3456478 9:;:<=8;>3=><>
h1H18JP2e2I82, 9:
09/IH/69I12 6500
O1.I12 7940
I/871.UT22 8480
i./3I42 6/JP262I8L, P 156,5 M 17,2 M 5,99
pI26Q298K205/L N09/I135/ O/619N678II/L
c1eI109U 9N671JN7K/94M /Q62Q/913, ..0. 2 M 50000
h40151I/O16I42 519.4, T9. 4
d38S892.8 2 M hqr
516109U M1H/, NJ.:
O1.I1Q1 32,7
s51I1P8K2051Q1 18
d/.UI109U O./3/I8L, P8.8 1345 (32,7 NJ.), 3920 (18 NJ.),
4500 (18 NJ. 0 I/871.UT8P J/O/01P 91O.83/)
c1eI109U 8091KI8513 s.25961sI26Q88, 5h9:
9N671Q2I26/9164 2 M 1250
H8J2.U-Q2I26/9164 4 M 600
g/O/0 /38/91O.83/, 9 5
p58O/S 344
391I1PI109U, 0N9. 30
6/529I12 G «c10589», 2 M 4 Gk (8 G)
J2I89I12 6/529I1-/698..268R0512 g «r98.U», 2 M 1 Gk (48 gk);
130-PP NI83260/.UI/L k -130,
2 M 2 (2000 340962.13);
30-PP g -630, 4 M 6 (16000 O/961I13)
O619831.1H1KI12 533-PP , 2 M 2
k-1000, 2 M 6 (48 i)
40 P8I
/38/V81II12 32691.294 /-27
6/H8192MI8K20512 O./IT29 9/598K2051R 1709/I1358;
08092P/ NO6/3.2I8L 1QI2P G;
08092P/ NO6/3.2I8L 1QI2P g;
08092P/ NO6/3.2I8L 0962.U71R 916O2H/P8;
17I/6NS2I8L 31JHNTI4M V2.2R;
3 x I/38Q/V81II42;
NO6/3.2I8L 1QI2P 130-PP k;
2 x NO6/3.2I8L 1QI2P 30-PP g;
i O1H58.UI/L,
/5983I/L 8 O/0083I/L
09/IV88 p;
51PO.250 O109/I1358
O/0083I4M O1P2M,
2 M G-2 (200 k)
Basic Characteristics
Displacement, t:
standard 6,500
full load 7,940
maximum 8,480
Principal dimensions, m: 156.5 x 17.2 x 5,99
Propulsion steam turbine
Power, hp 2 x 50,000
High-pressure boilers 4
Propellers 2, fixed-pitch
Speed, knots:
full 32.7
economic 18
Range, miles 1,345 (at 32.7 knots), 3,920 (at 18 knots)
4,500 (at 18 knots, maximum fuelled)
Generating capacity, kW:
turbogenerators 2 x 1,250
diesel-generators 4 x 600
Aviation fuel stock, t 5
Crew 344
Endurance, days 30
missiles: Moskit antiship missile complex,
2 x 4 launchers (8 ASM)
air-defense gun-missile complexes: Shtil air-defense missile complex,
2 x 1 launchers (48 ADM);
130mm AK-130 multipurpose
gun mount 2 x 2 (2,000 rounds);
30mm AK-630 AD gun mount;
4 x 6 (16,000 cartridges)
antisubmarine weapons: 533mm torpedo tubes 2 x 2
RBU-1000 A/S roket launcher 2 x 6 (48 rockets)
40 mines
aviation Ka-27 helicopter
electronic equipment: tactical situation plotting board;
antiship missile fire control system;
air-defense missile complex fire control system;
torpedo fire control system;
air target acquisition radar;
three navigation radar;
130mm gun fire control radar;
30mm air-defense gun mount fire control radar;
active/passive underkeel sonar;
electronic countermeasures system
2 x PK-2 decoy dispenser system (200 rockets)