PART 4 4
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Class 1410 Guided Missile
Systems, Complete
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Combat assets complement
ADM systems
S-300PMU S-300PMU1 S-300PMU2
IGR 30N6 30N6E, 30N6E1 30N6E2
TL 5P85SU, 5P85DU 5P85SE, 5P85TU 5P85SE2, 5P85TE2
ADM 5V55R, 5V55K 48N6E 48N6E2, 48N6E
Basic Characteristics
S-300PMU S-300PMU1 S-300PMU2
Number of:
engaged targets up to 6 up to 6 up to 6
guided missiles up to 12 up to 12 up to 12
Target engagement envelope, km:
aerodynamic targets:
range 5 - 90 5 - 150 3 - 200
(by 5V55R ADM), (head-on (head-on
5 - 50 (by 5V55K ADM) and pursuit) and pursuit)
altitude 0.025 - 25 0.01 - 27 0.01 - 27
cross-range - 149 195
ballistic targets:
range 5 - 35 5 - 40 5 - 40
altitude - 2 - 25 2 - 25
cross-range - - 25 - 35
Target speed, m/s 50-1,200 0-2,800 0-2,800
Measurement accuracy:
range, m 5 5 5
speed, m/s 1 1 1
angular coordinate difference,
arcmin 1 1 1
Sectors of autonomous detection
(elevation x azimuth), deg:
low-flying targets 1 x 105 1 x 90 1 x 90
medium- and high-altitude
aerodynamic targets 4 x 12 5 x 64, 14 x 64 5 x 64, 14 x 64
ballistic targets - 10 x 32 10 x 32
Time of:
response to target data
from CCA, s 9 - 11 9 - 11 9 - 11
(closing-down), min 5 5 5
Rate of fire, s 3 - 5 3 - 5 3 - 5
Vehicle movement speed, km/h:
on highway 60 60 60
on dirt road 30 30 30
Fuel distance, km 800 800 800
Service life, years 20 20 20
Combat crew 6 6 6
-300[o -300[o1 -300[o2
[ 306 306, 3061 62
[o 5[85o, 5[85%o 5[85, 5[85 5[852, 5[852
o 5p55, 5p55 486 4862, 486
-300 -300 1 -300 2
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C? ]76k<?8;> 5-90 - 5-150 3-200
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C? a=8?;: 0,025-25 0,01-27 0,01-27
9b\8?a?e C7\7@:;\ - 149 195
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9b\8?a?e C7\7@:;\ - - 25 - 35
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89?\?8;k, @/8 1 1 1
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C? h766>8;>A:89>@ i:6_@ - 10 c 32 10 c 32
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8\?9 86b`h=, d?]= 20 20 20
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