of the parameter is not dealt with in detail elsewhere in the book, then definition is
included here.
Cetane number. This is the result of an engine test that compares the ignition delay
for a fuel. For this test two reference fuels are chosen. The first is normal cetane
) and the second is an isomer of cetane which is heptamethylnonane. The normal
cetane is arbitrarily given the cetane number of 100, while the isomer as the second
reference fuel is assigned a cetane number of 15. The fuel being tested is run in a
standard test engine. The cetane number is derived by comparing the ignition delay
of the test diesel with a blend of the two reference fuels. The cetane number is then
calculated using the equation:
Cetane Number = % normal cetane + 0.15 ×% heptamethylnonane.
Higher cetane numbers indicates that the fuel has a shorter ignition delay. The higher
the cetane number also results in less CO and unburnt hydrocarbons in the engine
emission gases. This has a greater effect in the older diesel engine. Modern engines
are equipped with retarded ignition timing and increasing the cetane number has a
smaller effect on these more modern engines.
Aromatics. The aromatic content of diesel fuel can be measured for single ring aro-
matics, multi-ring or poly-aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). Some studies show that
reducing the aromatics results in the reduction of all regulated emissions, but other
studies have indicated that the reduction of emissions of unburned hydrocarbons,
, and particulates can only be achieved by reducing multi-ring aromatics.
Density. As density is a measure of the mass per unit volume, diesel fuels of low
density require a longer injection time to deliver the same mass of fuel into the
cylinder. The longer the injection time the lower is the peak temperatures which, in
turn, results in lower No
formation. At high loads and engine speeds, the longer
injection interval causes some incomplete combustion, resulting in a high emission
of unburned hydrocarbons and CO. When the load is being increased however the
lower density fuel results in less over-fueling, which actually decreases the emission
of particulates, hydrocarbons, and CO.
Sulfur. The sulfur in diesel fuel is burned to SO
, a portion of which is further oxidized
to sulfates. This binds with water to form a portion of the particulate matter. Because
only a small percent of the total sulfur in fuel is oxidized to sulfates the contribution
of sulfates to the total particulates is quite small. However if an oxidation catalyst
is used to reduce emission of hydrocarbons, CO, and particulate matter a significant
amount of the SO
is converted to sulfates and consequently making a significant
contribution to the particulates in the emission gases.