Storage tank. The capacity of the storage system should be approximately 1
the maximum quantity normally ordered to insure against running out of acid between
receipt of shipments. As a rule, too large a storage system is preferable to too small a
system. The additional investment required for the larger installation is not great. The
larger installation permits further expansion, less precise scheduling of shipments,
and larger inventories when desired.
The horizontal cylindrical storage tank should be manufactured according to the
current ASME Code for Unfired Pressure Vessels or other equivalent codes which
meet State or local mandatory requirements. It is further recommended that the wall
thickness of the tank be at least 1/8 inch in excess of the ASME Code requirements.
The tank should be double-welded, butt-joint construction, the welds to be slag-
free (conforming to ASME Code, Section 8) and ground smooth inside to facilitate
inspection. X-ray inspection of welds is recommended.
The storage tank should be suitably supported above ground level. Structural steel
supports or concrete saddles (protected with an acid-resistant paint) are satisfactory.
Safety devices for relieving abnormal internal tank pressures should be obtained from
qualified manufacturers who are familiar with AHF. The maximum working pressure
of the storage system should not exceed 2/3 the rated relief or bursting pressure of
the safety devices. The dual relief system is recommended which has a 2-way valve
and rupture discs ahead of the relief valves and also a separate rupture-disc line in
case of relief valve failure.
Piping. All pipe lines should be installed so that they drain toward the storage tank,
or toward the point of consumption. This will prevent the accumulation of acid in
low points, thereby eliminating possible safety hazards when repairs are necessary.
Relief valves should be installed in the various sections of the lines in case acid
becomes confined between two closed valves in the line. All flanges in the lines
should preferably be coated with an acid-indicating paint such as Mobil #220-Y-7
hydrofluoric acid-detecting paint, which changes in color from orange to yellow in
the presence of AHF liquid or vapor.
The line from the unloading station to the storage tank should be equipped with a
gate valve so acid flow can be stopped at any time. The line should also be securely
anchored to the storage tank as considerable vibration may occur, especially when
unloading by means of compressed gas.
Extra heavy (Schedule 80) or, better, triple extra-heavy black seamless or welded steel
pipe which is free from non-metallic inclusions is satisfactory.
Fittings. Larger lines (2 ins and over) should preferably be welded to conform to
ASME Code, Section 8. Alternatively, properly gasketed forged steel flanges can be