1122 CHAPTER 19
unless there is hydrogen present. Thus, in the case of hydotreaters, reformers, and
hydrocrackers there will be partial condensation and there will be a vapor phase from
the drum as well as the liquid distillate. The tower will consist of between 30 and 35
distillation trays and the external reflux will be about 2 : 1. More details and design
procedures are given in Chapter 4 of this Handbook.
The purpose of the de-ethanizer is to remove ethane from the product stream of LPG.
Normally it will be the last tower in a light end distillation configuration (see the item
‘Light End Distillation’under ‘Distillation’in this Part 2 of the book. The de-ethanizer
tower operates at an overhead accumulator of below 450 psia at 100
F. This ensures
that the operating pressure at the bottom of the tower, which is propane LPG, will be
below its critical pressure. In the design example given in Chapter 4 the pressure in
the accumulator was calculated to be 350 psia at 100
F, and this was the dew point of
the overhead vapor product. De-ethanizers operating without overhead refrigeration
facilities have partial condensers and in this case only sufficient overheads from the
tower are condensed to meet the reflux required in the tower. Thus the accumulator
becomes a theoretical tray itself and there will be no liquid distillate product as
In the refinery configuration of light ends distillation this unit is usually located
between the de-butanizer and the de-ethanizer. The process flow is similar to the de-
butanizer, with total overhead product and reflux being condensed. The tower operates
at a reflux drum pressure of between 200 and 250 psia at 100
F. The tower contains
35–40 actual trays, and the bottom product will be butane LPG. The overhead distillate
will be feed to the de-ethanizer whose bottom product will be propane LPG.
Dew points
Is the temperature and pressure condition at which a hydrocarbon vapor begins to
condense. That is in a calculation the sum of the mole fraction composition of the
vapor divided by the equilibrium constant of each compound must equal the sum of the
sum of the mole fraction of the liquid phase at the dew point condition of temperature
and pressure. The following example illustrates this concept. (This example is based
on a tower top condition for an atmospheric crude distillation unit.)
The following dew point calculation will be carried out at 8.3 psia which is the partial
pressure of the hydrocarbons in the overhead vapor.