due to a combination of: tower shadow, wind shear and turbulence. In a fixed speed
wind turbine, this rotor torque variation is then translated into a change in the output
power and hence a voltage variation on the network. These dynamic voltage variations
are often referred to as ‘flicker’ because of the effect they have on incandescent lights.
The human eye is very sensitive to changes in light intensity particularly if the varia-
tion occurs at frequencies around 10 Hz. For a large wind turbine the blade passing
frequency will be around 1–2 Hz, and although the eye is less sensitive at this fre-
quency, it will still detect voltage variations greater than about 0.5%. In general the
torque fluctuations of individual wind turbines in a wind farm are not synchronised and
so the effect in large wind farms is reduced as the variations average out.
Although reliable commercial wind turbines can be bought from a variety of
manufacturers, there is still considerable development of the technology particu-
larly as the size and ratings of turbines increase. Some of the major differences in
design philosophy include: (1) fixed or variable speed operation, (2) direct drive
generators or the use of a gearbox and (3) stall or pitch regulation [12,13].
Fixed speed wind turbines using induction generators are simple, and it may be
argued, robust. It is not usual to use synchronous generators on network-connected
fixed speed wind turbines, as it is not practicable to include adequate damping in a
synchronous generator rotor to control the periodic torque fluctuations of the aero-
dynamic rotor. Some very early wind turbine designs did use synchronous gen-
erators by including mechanical damping in the drive trains (e.g. by using a fluid
coupling), but this is no longer a common practice. Figure 2.13(a) shows a
simplified schematic representation of a fixed speed wind turbine. The aerodynamic
rotor is coupled to the induction generator via a speed increasing gearbox. The
induction generator is typically wound for 690 V, 1000 or 1500 rpm operation.
Pendant cables within the tower connect the generator to switched power factor
correction capacitors and an anti-parallel soft-start unit located in the tower base. It
is common to by pass the soft-start thyristors once the generator flux has built up,
excited from the network voltage. The power factor correction capacitors are either
all applied as soon as the generator is connected or they are switched in progres-
sively as the average output power of the wind turbine increases. A local transfor-
mer, typically 690 V/33 kV in UK wind farms is located either inside the tower or
adjacent to it.
With variable speed operation it is possible, in principle, to increase the energy
captured by the aerodynamic rotor by maintaining the optimum power coefficient over
a wide range of wind speeds, and perhaps more importantly, also reduce mechanical
loads. However, it is then necessary to decouple the speed of the rotor from the fre-
quency of the network through some form of power electronic converter. A simple
approach (Figure 2.13(b)) is to use a wound rotor induction generator with con-
trollable, external rotor resistors. The external resistors alter the shape of the torque–
speed curve and so allow the generator, and rotor, speed to increase by up to 10%. An
obvious disadvantage is that power is dissipated in the resistors as heat and so wasted.
Hence a development was to use a wound rotor induction generator but with back/back
voltage source converters in the rotor circuit (Figure 2.13(c), DFIG, doubly fed
induction generator). Power flows from the generator out to the network when the
generator operates above synchronous speed but back towards the rotor at below
synchronous speed [13,14].
Distributed generation plant 33