Public electricity supply was originally developed in the form of local generation
feeding local loads, the individual systems being built and operated by independent
companies. During the early years, up to around 1930, this proved quite sufficient.
However, it was then recognised that an integrated system, planned and operated by
a specific organisation, was needed to ensure an electricity supply that was both
reasonably secure and economic. This led to large centrally located generators
feeding the loads via transmission and distribution systems.
This trend may well have continued but for the need to minimise the envir-
onmental impact of energy use (particularly CO
emissions) and concern over the
security of supply of imported fossil fuels. Consequently, governments and energy
planners are now actively developing alternative and cleaner forms of energy
production, these being dominated by renewables (e.g. wind, solar, biomass), local
CHP plant and the use of waste products. In many countries this transformation of
electricity supply is managed through energy markets and privately owned, regu-
lated transmission and distribution systems.
The economics and the location of sustainable energy sources have meant that
many of these generators have had to be connected into distribution networks rather
than at the transmission level. A full circle has therefore evolved with generation being
distributed round the system rather than being located and dispatched centrally.
It is now recognised that the levels of information and control of the state of
distribution networks are inadequate for future low-carbon electricity supply sys-
tems and the SmartGrid concept has emerged. In addition to much greater use of
ICT (Information and Control Technology), a SmartGrid will involve load custo-
mers much more in the operation of the power system. The distribution network
will change its operation from passive to active, and the distributed generators will
be controlled to support the operation of the power system.
Over several decades, models, techniques and application tools have been
developed for central generation with traditional transmission and distribution
networks and there are many excellent texts that relate to and describe the assess-
ment of such systems. However, some very specific features of distributed gen-
eration, namely that large numbers of relatively small generators are distributed
around the system, often connected into relatively weak distribution networks,
mean that existing tech niques and practices have had to be reviewed and updated to
take these features into account. The questions raised by large numbers of dis-
tributed generators and their control within a deregulated commercial environment