difference between the price of electricity and of the gas required to generate it.
A wide spark spread makes CHP schemes more attractive. Commercial viability
also depends on the rate received for exporting electrical power to the utility and this
can be very low for small installations.
CHP units are typically controlled, or dispatched, to meet the energy needs of
the host site and not to export electrical power to the utility distribution system [7].
It is common for CHP units to be controlled to meet a heat load, and in district-
heating schemes, the heat output is often controlled as a function of ambient tem-
perature. Alternatively, the units can be controlled to meet the electrical load of the
host site and any deficit in the heat requirement is met from an auxiliary source.
Finally, the units may be run to supply both heat and electricity to the site in an
optimal manner, but this is likely to require a more sophisticated control system
that is able to compensate for the changes in heat and electrical load as well as in
the performance of the CHP plant over time.
Although CHP schemes are conventionally designed and operated to meet
the energy needs of the host site, or a district-heating load, this is a commercial/
economic choice rather than being due to any fundamental limitation of the tech-
nology. As commercial and administrative conditions change, perhaps in response
to the policy drivers described in Chapter 1, it may be that CHP plants will start to
play a more active role in supplying electrical energy and ancillary services to the
electricity distribution system.
CHP units for individual houses or small commercial properties, so-called
micro-CHP, are also commercially available. These typically use small internal
combustion or Stirling cycle engines coupled to simple induction generators
although variable speed generators connected through a power electronic interface
are also used. Some designs use the reciprocating motion of the piston directly to
drive a linear electrical generator. Prototypes also exist of domestic fuel-cell CHP
units, which produce direct current and so require a power electronic interface. In
general micro-CHP units are more suited to larger dwellings with a significant heat
demand and are less attractive for small, very well insulated houses.
Heat energy is much easier and cheaper to store than electrical energy and so
heat stores can be used to increase the flexibility of the operation of CHP units. In
Denmark, the direct relationship between heat and electrical power production from
reciprocating engine CHP units was a concern, as it would have imposed significant
additional load variations on the larger power generating units when the dispersed
CHP units responded to the varying demand for district heating. Therefore, large
heat stores were constructed for each district-heating scheme to accommodate
approximately 10 hours of maximum heat production [3]. One benefit of the heat
stores is that they allow the CHP units to be run for reduced periods but at rated
output, and hence maximum efficiency. Also, the times of operation can be chosen
to be at periods of maximum electrical demand and so the CHP generation can
respond to the needs of the electrical power network and receive a higher price for
their electricity. An additional advantage of large heat stores is that, with electric
heaters, they can use excess energy from intermittent renewables (e.g. wind power)
when there is a surplus of electrical energy and its value is low.
26 Distributed generation