5.3.4 Matrix in high-gradient magnetic separators
The importance of a correct choice of matrix for magnetic filtration and material
concentration cannot be overemphasized. The shape and size of the matrix play
a decisive role in the achievement of optimum recovery and concentrate grade,
and determine matrix loading.
In spite of the importance of a correct choice of matrix, little attention has
been paid to the theoretical analysis of the optimum matrix size and geometry.
The attention was mainly concentrated on maximizing the magnetic force in a
single-collector approach, with the aim of applying these rules to multi-collector
The magnetic force has been shown to reach a maximum for the ratio of the
collector radius d to particle radius e equal to approximately three [O5, A29].
Further theoretical [M27] and experimental investigations have indicated that
the optimum ratio d@e is a function of a variety of parameters, such as magnetic
induction, particle size, type of matrix and matrix loading [S1].
Although the conclusions of the single-collector-single-particle studies are
useful for a better understanding of the dynamics of a magnetizable particle in
the vicinity of an isolated magnetized collector, their validity for a real matrix
is very limited.
Straining and mechanical capture
Attempts to maximize the ratio of traction magnetic force to hydrodynamic
drag usually result in particle capture by a straining mechanism. If d@e ? 10,
mechanical straining is dominant and leads to the formation of a surface mat
of deposit on the matrix. This layer of deposit causes high resistance to the
flow, and increases entrainment of non-magnetic particles in the deposit. This
phenomenon is detrimental to the e!ciency of separation, irrespective of the
type of application. It either increases losses of the non-magnetic concentrate
or impairs the grade of the magnetic concentrate.
Therefore, straining should be avoided in the design of magnetic separators.
For straining to be minimized, d@e should be larger than 10, but preferably
should range from 100 to 500. However, even for high values of d@e, a certain
fraction of particles fed into the separator will be mechanically captured. As
a rule, mechanical entrapment increases both for coarse particles and for finer
The presence of straining for fine matrices is demonstrated in Fig. 5.45. It
can be seen that straining is absent and particles are deposited almost uniformly
throughout the filter for a coarse matrix with d@e = 1250, while with finer
matrices, particles are predominantly deposited in the vicinity of the filter inlet
In addition to straining, some particles are retained by the matrix even in
the absence of the external magnetic field, as follows from the deep bed model of
magnetic separation [S31, S33] discussed in Section 3.4.2. Figures 5.46 and 5.47
illustrate that, for a given type of matrix, mechanical retention increases with