The situation is depicted in Figs. 3.15, 3.16 and Fig. 5.33 and was discussed in
greater detail in Section 3.4.1. It is evident that by increasing the magnetic field,
the loading of material on the matrix increases as a consequence of a smaller
surface area of the matrix available for paramagnetic capture.
A high magnetic field often induces the formation of clusters of magnetic
particles through the process of magnetic flocculation. Since the formation
of such flocs is usually non-selective, the grade of the magnetic concentrate
deteriorates and the recovery can drop as a consequence of excessive matrix
loading and of increased interstitial velocity of the slurry in the matrix.
It can therefore be seen that a high magnetic field does not necessarily mean
better results. The optimum operating magnetic field must be determined in
such a manner that the recovery/grade relationship satisfies the objective of the
In order to illustrate the role of the magnetic field strength in high-gradient
magnetic separation, typical examples, as observed in the laboratory or on pro-
duction scale, will be discussed.
Magnetic filtration The magnitude of the applied magnetic field is dictated
mainly by the magnetic susceptibility of the suspended solids. The usual pic-
ture in magnetic filtration is that the e!ciency of the removal of solids ini-
tially increases with increasing field strength up to a certain point, after which
the filtration e!ciency remains constant. In filtering ferromagnetic particles, a
magnetic induction of 0.3 T is usually su!cient. Typical applications are the
purification of steel mill waste water and cooling water in power plants, and the
removal of suspended solids from municipal waste water seeded with magnetite.
A typical example of such a straightforward "all-or-none" relationship between
the magnetic field and the separation e!ciency is shown in Fig. 5.34.
A similar observation was made in the application of a superconducting
magnetic separator to the purification of municipal sewage water seeded with
a ferromagnetic material. Isogami et al. [I5] reported that when a su!cient
concentration of the seeding material was used, the filtration e!ciency was
essentially independent of the magnetic field strength in the interval from 0.1 T
to 1.5 T. The experimental results are summarized in Fig. 5.35.
In more demanding applications, in which feebly magnetic solids are to be
removed, a much higher magnetic induction, sometimes as high as 2 T, is re-
quired. However, often little benefit is obtained with fields exceeding 1.5 T, as
is demonstrated in Fig. 5.36. It is evident that the e!ciency of filtration of very
fine, weakly magnetic kimberlite particles from diamond waste water does not
improve with increasing magnetic field for a magnetic field strength exceeding
1.5 T.
These two examples typify the situation usually encountered in magnetic
filtration, namely that the removal of solids is generally not improved by in-
creasing the field strength above a certain value.