ber is not the only condition for the vortex capture [W11]. The thickness of the
boundary layer, the particle size and the field strength were found to be the
main factors aecting the vortex capture. In particular it was determined that,
for vortex capture to occur, it is necessary that y
? 1. The separation
process, taking place under such conditions, for which the downstream particle
capture takes place, was termed vortex magnetic separation by Watson [W11].
The applicability of this phenomenon, investigated mainly in single-wire exper-
iments, to real operational situations, has been a subject of controversy [S28,
It was argued by Watson et al. [L8] that if the conditions for the downstream
capture are met, the recovery, the grade of the magnetic concentrate and the
throughput would be very high. However, it was shown by Svoboda [S28] that
such conditions can be possibly met only when very fine (e.g. 125 m) steel
wool matrix is used and when the flow rate of the slurry through the matrix
is close to the upper limit possible in such a matrix [S29]. Such conditions are
usually used to remove fine weakly magnetic impurities from industrial minerals,
such as kaolin. In those applications, however, the magnetic fraction is a waste
and its grade is of no relevance to the e!ciency of the process. On the other
hand, in those applications where the magnetic fraction is the useful product,
such as beneficiation of ferrous and non-ferrous ores, much coarser matrix (e.g.
expanded metal or woven mesh) and much higher slurry velocities must be used
in order to maintain meaningful economically viable throughput. Under these
circumstances the conditions for the vortex formation are not met since the
Reynolds number is at least an order of magnitude greater than the upper value
required for downstream capture to take place.
3.4.2 Capture of particles in multi-collector matrices
The matrix of a real magnetic separator consists of a large number of individual
collectors. There are essentially two possible ways of developing a theory of
multi-collector magnetic filters: one way is to build the theory from first prin-
ciples and the other is to incorporate the single-collector model into a multi-
collector phenomenological description.
In the first approach, the particle trajectories and the capture e!ciencies
were investigated for the case of wire collectors arranged in regular arrays. Con-
figurations of single and double layers of wires were analyzed and reported in
numerous publications [H14, T4, E1, S30, G7, R12, R13]. As a result of consid-
erable mathematical complexity of the problem the applicability of the theory
to real matrix is limited.
Particle capture by ferromagnetic spheres. In spite of high e!ciency of
a ball matrix in some industrial applications of magnetic separation [S1], only
a limited attention has been paid to the theoretical analysis of particle capture
by spherical collectors. The character of the particle capture and of the build-
up is inevitably dierent for spheres compared to the wires. The dierence
follows from the fact that the cross-sectional capture area of a sphere increases