Thus the transformation is ‘make sale’, without specifying what is being sold or
how the products or services reach the customer.
The next natural progression is to identify the customer targeted by the
transformation. This can be a critical part of using the technique, since it can
uncover exactly where the focus of the stakeholder lies. In a situation such as our
sales scenario the customer could be the salesperson, and the beneficiary from the
transformation could be seen to be the salesperson with the commission.
The next aspect to consider is the actor profile. The actors are the roles that
perform the transformation, and analysts often complete this with little insight,
simply offering ‘management and staff’ as actors. This valuable aspect of the
technique is therefore completely dismissed, and may as well be left uncompleted.
The more insightful analyst, however, understands that the definition of the roles
begins to highlight the skills required – something that is very useful during later
The owner of the business system under consideration is the next entry. The
owner is the person or group of people who can instigate change, define policy or
impose closure of the system. In some systems this entry can be vital, for example
where conflicts have arisen because a lack of direction from the owner has
allowed different world views to emerge and take hold.
Finally the environment is defined. The environment surrounds the business
system defined in the transformation, and imposes rules and constraints. One
way of analysing it is to use the PESTLE technique (Technique 1), which provides
a framework for exploring different aspects of it. Something to remember is that a
business system targets external customers, and these customers must be willing
to take part in the system for it to be able to operate. This willingness to take part
can be seen as a constraint in the environment.
As an example, a CATWOE could be developed to analyse the perspective of the
operations director of a high-street clothes store. As discussed earlier, we would
begin by considering the director’s world view on the business. In this instance,
the director feels the business will succeed if the focus is on designing and selling
inexpensive fashionable clothing, because this is what is desired by the target
market – young consumers who are interested in fashion. This director does not
include the manufacture of the clothes in the world view. The transformation will
be the core process required to fulfil this view, in this case to sell inexpensive,
fashionable clothes. The customer is the young, fashion-conscious consumer, and
the actors will be clothes designers, fashion buyers, sales staff and store managers.
The owner could be the director, but for a high-street store is more likely to be the
board of the company. The environment will include factors such as the economic
situation, market desire for inexpensive fashion and consumer concerns over fair
trade issues. This worked example has developed the CATWOE by beginning with
the core elements, the W and the T, and then progressively defining the others.
The example is documented using the CATWOE structure as follows:
C young consumers who require fashionable clothes at affordable prices;
A clothes designers, fashion buyers, sales staff, store managers;