The managers of the organisation will make decisions regarding
its operation, and these will need to be enforced. This means that
there need to be organisational responses, in the form of business
processes, to handle the decisions. These may affect limited areas:
an example is the reallocation of a piece of work from one staff
member to another. This requires a process to update any records
regarding the allocation of the work and to communicate the
change to any interested parties. However, a decision can have a
variety of different effects, so it may require more work to ensure
that all affected areas are updated. In this case it will require a
process that is longer and more detailed. Examples include a
decision to introduce a new pricing structure or a new product
Time-based the regular occurrences that take place at predefined times.
events: Time-based events often result from legal regulations or business
policy. An example that affects all organisations is the financial
reporting cycle, which specifies set timings for reports. A further
example could be an internal policy that requires that
management reports have to be produced and distributed to
specified stakeholders at a set time each week, such as every
Monday morning. Another form of time-based event occurs where
actions are required in advance of another business event.
For example, there may be a requirement to issue information
two weeks prior to a senior management meeting.
Business event analysis provides a means of breaking down the work of an
organisation or business area into discrete areas. This is invaluable in supporting
an organised, structured analysis of the business processes and the tasks they
comprise. The identification of the business events is the first step in this
approach. Following on from that, the analyst needs to consider the outcomes
desired from the events. For example, if an event is identified in which a customer
complains to an organisation about the delivery of a service, the outcome should be
the resolution of that complaint. So the second step is to consider the outcome
required once a business event occurs. The third step is to model and analyse the
business process that will be triggered by the event and will deliver the outcome.
Business process modelling is the next technique described in this chapter.
Using business event analysis
Business events provide a framework for analysing business systems. They help
to clarify for the analyst all of the different components of the work carried out
within a particular area. They also help with uncovering tacit knowledge, since
they provide a basis for identifying situations that the business user may not
have mentioned or even considered important.
It is often helpful to begin by building a context diagram like that in Figure 4.8.
This diagram can be used to show the relevant stakeholders, both internal
and external to the organisation, that have been identified for this area of
business activity. Once we have identified the stakeholders the next step is to
consider the types of events each stakeholder will require the business system to
handle. This helps in the identification of the individual events.