Notice, too, how cross-connections can be made between the different ‘twigs’, as
with that between tangible and intangible costs and benefits at the bottom right
of the diagram.
This example uses only words, but mind maps can be even more powerful if
images are used as well or instead.
When using it to support interviewing, the BA can create the outline mind
map – the trunk and main branches only – from the agenda and then populate
the rest of the diagram with information supplied by the interviewee. Because
only a few words need to be written down, this can simplify note taking and allow
for greater eye contact with the subject.
When it is used during a workshop, the facilitator can create the mind map as
participants suggest ideas. Alternatively, or additionally, participants can be put
into smaller groups and asked to explore particular aspects of the issue under
discussion and present their findings back in the form of mind maps.
Using mind maps
Tony Buzan claims that mind maps work because they reflect the way the human
mind organises information – a central theme leading to subsidiary concepts and
thus down into lower and lower levels of detail. It is fair to say that his claims are
not necessarily supported by other experts in thinking and, when this book was
being written, somewhat of a controversy was raging on Wikipedia about the
effectiveness of mind maps.
Not everyone gets on with mind maps. One of the present authors, for example,
does not find them particularly intuitive or useful, although this may be due to a
lack of persistence in working with and mastering them. Those who do like them,
however (a group which includes the other two authors), seem to like them very
much and find them a very powerful alternative to conventional note taking.
Certainly they provide focus, clarity and brevity where more conventional notes,
though containing the information, sometimes obscure key issues with irrelevant
detail. It may be that whether one ‘gets’ mind maps has something to do with
individual thinking styles – whether one thinks in words or in pictures, for
instance – although Mr Buzan’s view seems to be that they are suitable for
everyone. Our advice would be to try the technique – and maybe persist with it
for a while if it is not instantly accessible.
Technique 22: Context diagram
Description of the technique
The idea of a context diagram has appeared in various ‘structured’ approaches
to development over the years. Both Tom DeMarco and Edward Yourdon, for
instance, pioneers of structured methods, refer to context diagrams in their books
(DeMarco 1978; Yourdon 1989), and these diagrams also appeared in the
Structured Systems Analysis and Design Method (SSADM) in the guise of a
‘level 0’ data flow diagram (SSADM Foundation 2000). What we shall describe
here, however, is the latest manifestation of a context diagram within the
Unified Modeling Language (UML) (Arlow and Neustadt 2005).