the work is taking, the decisions that are being made, the
visibility of the study or even external factors, such as the
economic situation. It is important to be aware of these
stakeholders and keep a watchful eye on their interest and
opinions. As before, it may be that we want to manage their
level of interest such that they provide support when required.
Low power / These are the stakeholders who do not have a direct interest or
low interest: involvement in the business situation, so little effort needs to
be spent on managing them.
Low power / These stakeholders are the business staff who will operate any
medium to new processes and systems. They need to be kept informed, and,
high interest: if possible, kept on side. As the people who are often affected
most directly by a business change project, their interest is
likely to grow as the work advances. While they generally have
little power individually, their power can increase dramatically
if the analysts require assistance from them to obtain detailed
information, and the implementation of changes can be severely
compromised without their help. It has been said that in the
absence of information chaos develops; this should be borne in
mind with regard to these stakeholders, since their worries and
concerns may extend far beyond the reality. This can only be
countered by providing sufficient information to keep as many
of the fears as possible at bay.
Using the power/interest grid
Each category of stakeholders will need to be managed in a different way to
take account of their level of power and interest. In the power/interest grid the
stakeholders are grouped into either four (if the 2 × 2 matrix is used) or six
(if the 3 × 3 matrix is used) categories. Since the latter is an expansion of the
former, we will look at the six possible categories:
Manage These are the high power / high interest stakeholders. They
actively: need to be closely involved at all stages of the project and in
any key decisions. If a recommendation is to be made, these
stakeholders need to be aware of the recommendation, and
should have approved its inclusion in the list. They should
support any proposals made. The stakeholder management
strategy to be used here involves the analysts working
continuously and closely with these key players. Nothing
should come as a surprise to them in a public forum; all
recommendations should have been discussed with them, and
actions agreed, in advance.
Keep These are the high power / medium interest stakeholders.
satisfied: They need be kept informed where necessary so that they do
not begin to develop an unhelpful interest in aspects of the
project – and possibly delay, or even reverse, progress.
Where there are any issues that will be of interest to them,