Generalized NHSMP models
necessary to start with the model and it may be judicious not to consider too
many states.
(iv) Let us also mention that, at least in our opinion, in the future more and more
members of pension funds will take out private pensions contracted with
insurance companies. The GDTNHSM model can be useful to fix the amount of
premium to be paid for this supplementary pension in connection with the
"usual" pension amount.
(v) From the computational point of view, it is clear that this model cannot be
used as a simulation model without a good computer environment giving an easy
way to measure the influence of the selected scenario. Interactive software is now
being prepared by the authors in collaboration with some private pension funds.
2.1 Introduction
In the preceding section, we have seen that the evolution of salary lines is one of
the most important aspects in the study of the dynamic evolution of pension
funds, so we need to construct a model giving a good forecast of future salary
lines. Of course, this model can also be used for other aims, in manpower
management for example when a firm decides to change the rules of the rank
promotions or its pyramidal job organisation. In this case, it is interesting to
evaluate the cost differences between the new and the former rules in view of
improving the manpower planning of the firm (Bartholomew (1982),
Bartholomew, Forbes, McClean (1991), Vajda (1978).)
In this section, we solve the problem by giving a generalisation of non-
homogeneous semi-Markov processes slightly different from the one used in the
previous section.
This problem was treated by Volpe (1997), Janssen and Manca (1997b) (2002)
Janssen, Manca, Volpe (1997) Manca (2004a) (2004b), using different kinds of
stochastic models.
Let us remember that the evolution of salary lines has a strong influence on the
behaviour of pension funds.
Indeed, if the fund is with defined contribution (that means the pension is a
function of the paid contributions) then it is important to know the expected
evolution of the salary lines to know what the entrances into the fund will be for
each member and in this way to compute the expected pensions for the working
people in the fund.
Furthermore if the fund is with defined benefit (performance) (that means the
pension is a function of the last salaries), it is important to know the evolution of