Reliability and credit risk models 343
and so the ratios of the MTTF are given for example by :
1 2 3 4
MTTF ratio 1 1.5 1.83 2.08
Table 1.1: example of MTTF
This clearly shows that the effect of redundancy is not proportional to the number
of added components.
2.1 Maintenance Systems
In the last subsection, result (1.34) shows that for a series structure, the reliability
function is highly decreasing with the number of components.
However, if the components are repairable, it is possible to interrupt the system
momentarily during the reparation of the failed component and then to reinsert
the component in the system and so on.
For such a possibility, one can construct a stochastic model (Mohan et al (1962))
to compute the main indicators given in section 1.4.
Let us assume that all the n components are independent with negative
exponential distributions, respectively with parameters
, and that the
repair time for component i (i=1,…,n) has a negative exponential distribution of
. All the repair times are also independent and of other and of on the
working times of the n components.
Moreover there is no time loss to replace the repaired components in the system.
The evolution of the system can be seen as a successive sequence of working and
repair times.
For example for n=1, the random sequence
11 2 2
, , , ,..., , ,...
XYXY X Y (2.1)
represents successively the working and repair times and if we introduce a two-
state set {0,1}, so that, at time t, the system state Z(t) is in state 1 if it is operating
and in state 0 if it is under repair, then the process (2.1) is a continuous Markov
process where the transition matrix of the imbedded Markov chain is given by:
and for which the conditional sojourn times are given by: