12.1.4. The Goldilox Hypothesis
Figure 12.3 shows images of Venus, Earth, and Mars. At the surface temperature of
Venus (730 K), water is in the form of vapor. At the surface temperature of Mars
(218 K), water, if ever present, would be in the form of ice. At the surface temperature
of the Earth (288 K), water is in the form of liquid. Whereas Venus is too hot and Mars
is too cold, the Earth is ideal for supporting liquid water. The presence of liquid water
and amiable temperatures have allowed life on Earth to flourish.
If Earth did not have an atmosphere that absorbed thermal-IR radiation, its equilib-
rium temperature (255 K) would be too cold to support liquid water or much life.
Fortunately, Earth’s atmosphere contains water vapor, initially outgassed from volcanos
but now evaporated from the oceans as well, that absorbs thermal-IR radiation, keep-
ing the planet warm. The atmosphere also contains carbon dioxide gas, which
contributes to the Earth’s natural warmth.
If the Earth were closer to or farther from the sun,
its temperature would be too
warm or cold, respectively, to support life. The hypothesis that the Earth is the ideal dis-
tance from the sun, in comparison with Venus or Mars, for sustaining life, is called the
Goldilox hypothesis. Venus is too hot because of its proximity to the sun; Mars is too
cold because of its distance from the sun; but the Earth is the ideal distance, so that the
addition of natural greenhouse gases into its atmosphere has put the Earth’s temperature
in a range that allowed water to exist as a gas, liquid, and solid and life to flourish.
Greenhouse gases are relatively transparent to incoming solar radiation but opaque to
certain wavelengths of IR radiation. The term relatively transparent is used because all
greenhouse gases absorb far-UV radiation (which is a trivial fraction of incoming solar
radiation). In addition, ozone strongly absorbs UV-B and UV-C radiation and weakly
absorbs visible radiation. Water vapor and carbon dioxide absorb solar near-IR radia-
tion. However, as shown in Fig. 11.5, gases affect only a fraction of total solar
radiation incident at the top of the Earth’s atmosphere.
12.2.1. Greenhouse Gases and Particles
The natural greenhouse effect is the warming of the Earth’s atmosphere due to the
presence of background greenhouse gases, primarily water vapor, carbon dioxide,
methane, ozone, nitrous oxide, and methyl chloride. The natural greenhouse effect is
responsible for about 33 K of the Earth’s average near-surface air temperature of 288 K.
Without the natural greenhouse effect, Earth’s average near-surface temperature would
be about 255 K, which is too cold to support most life. Thus, the presence of natural
greenhouse gases is beneficial. Anthropogenic emissions have increased the mixing
ratios of greenhouse gases and particulate black carbon (BC), causing global warming.
Whereas greenhouse gases transmit solar radiation and absorb thermal-IR radiation, BC
strongly absorbs solar radiation and weakly absorbs thermal-IR radiation. Thus, green-
house gases and particulate BC both warm the air, but by different mechanisms. Global
warming is the increase in the Earth’s temperature above the natural greenhouse effect
temperature as a result of the emission of anthropogenic greenhouses gases and BC.
Table 12.3 shows that the most important greenhouse gas is water vapor, which
accounts for approximately 89 percent of the 33 K temperature increase resulting from