need for new health-based air quality standards by 2005. The Act required the publica-
tion of a plan to combat air pollution. In 1997, a plan called the United Kingdom
National Air Quality Strategy was published. Under this strategy, ambient limits for
ozone, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, benzene, 1-,3-butadiene,
lead, and particulates were set.
Prior to the 1980s, most energy in the U.K. was obtained from coal, a dirty fuel
that caused much of the smoke problems experienced in London and other big cities.
Between 1980 and 1998, coal consumption decreased by 57 percent, a factor that
enabled air quality to improve. By 1998, the U.K. was obtaining 37 percent of its ener-
gy from oil, 34 percent from natural gas, 14 percent from coal, 12 percent from
nuclear power, 1 percent from hydroelectric power, and 2 percent from other renew-
able sources (EIA, 2000). Although there are fewer vehicles in the U.K. than in many
other countries of the E.U., those in the U.K. are driven more miles than are those in
other E.U. countries, resulting in vehicles being one of the largest sources of pollution
in the U.K. today. About 25 percent of vehicles in the U.K. run on diesel fuel, which
produces soot.
The U.K. instituted an energy tax effective April 2001. Renewable energy sources
are exempt. By 2010, reliance on renewable energy is expected to increase from 2 to
10 percent. The U.K. has also agreed to E.U. directives to improve energy efficiency of
new cars 25 percent by 2008.
8.2.7. France
Because it lacked domestic fossil-fuel energy sources and desired independence from
reliance on imported fuel, France developed a large nuclear-power industry in the
1970s. The use of nuclear ener
gy has reduced France
’s reliance on fossil fuels in its
energy sector. In 1998, 38 percent of France’s energy was from nuclear power, 42 per-
cent was from oil, and 14 percent was from natural gas (EIA, 2000). Vehicles are now
the major source of air pollution in France; Paris alone is clogged with 3 million vehi-
cles, leading to smog events and health problems. Carbon dioxide emissions from
vehicles increased dramatically in the 1990s, but due to improved vehicle emission
standards, emissions of carbon monoxide, reactive organic gases, oxides of nitrogen,
and particulate matter decreased.
Modern air pollution monitoring in Paris began in 1956 when the Laboratoire
d’Hygiène installed an outdoor surveillance network. In 1972,
a monitoring network
that measured pollution from automobiles near roads was introduced, and in 1973, a
25-station monitoring network that measured pollution near electric utilities was fund-
ed. In 1979, the French Ministry of the Environment created AIRPARIF, a government
agency responsible for measuring pollution and assessing its impacts in the Paris area.
The agency combined existing with new monitoring stations to produce a network of
75 stations. Pollutants measured include nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, ozone,
sulfur dioxide, particulates, and lead.
Since December 1990, the French Environment and Energy Control Agency, a
public industrial and commercial corporation under the supervision of the Ministries
of the Environment, Industry, and Research, has overseen air pollution regulation in
France. In 1992, this agency set up a national air quality index, “ATMO.” The index,
which ranges from 1 (cleanest air) to 10, describes overall air quality of a region dur-
ing a day. In 1994, the agency set up a nationwide system of alerting the public to high
levels of pollution. In 1997, a system by which Parisians would be asked to reduce