■ ■
In other words, approximately 51% of the variance among the scores can be
attributed to the rehearsal condition to which the participant was assigned.
In this example, the independent variable of rehearsal type is fairly impor-
tant in determining the number of words recalled by participants because
of 51% represents a considerable effect.
Assumptions of the One-Way Randomized ANOVA. As with most statisti-
cal tests, certain conditions must be met to ensure that the statistic is being
used properly. The assumptions for the randomized one-way ANOVA are
similar to those for the t test for independent groups:
• The data are on an interval-ratio scale.
• The underlying distribution is normally distributed.
• The variances among the populations being compared are homogeneous.
• The observations are all independent of one another.
Because the ANOVA is a robust statistical test, violations of some of these
assumptions do not necessarily affect the results. Specifically, if the distri-
butions are slightly skewed rather than normally distributed, it does not
affect the results of the ANOVA. In addition, if the sample sizes are equal,
the assumption of homogeneity of variances can be violated. However, it is
not acceptable to violate the assumption of interval-ratio data. If the data
collected in a study are ordinal or nominal in scale, other nonparametric sta-
tistical procedures must be used. These procedures will be discussed briefly
later in the chapter.
Tukey’s Post Hoc Test. Because the results from our ANOVA indicate that
at least one of the sample means differs significantly from the others (repre-
sents a different population from the others), we must now compute a post
hoc test (a test conducted after the fact—in this case, after the ANOVA). A
post hoc test involves comparing each of the groups in the study with each
of the other groups to determine which ones differ significantly from each
other. This may sound familiar to you. In fact, you may be thinking, isn’t
that what a t test does? In a sense, you are correct. However, remember that
a series of multiple t tests inflates the probability of a Type I error. A post hoc
test is designed to permit multiple comparisons and still maintain alpha (the
probability of a Type I error) at .05.
The post hoc test presented here is Tukey’s honestly significant differ-
ence (HSD), which allows a researcher to make all pairwise comparisons
among the sample means in a study while maintaining an acceptable
alpha (usually .05, but possibly .01) when the conditions have equal n’s.
If there is not an equal number of participants in each condition, then
another post hoc test, such as Fisher’s protected t test, which can be used
with equal or unequal n’s, is appropriate. Because the coverage of statis-
tics in this text is necessarily selective, you will need to consult a more
comprehensive statistics text regarding alternative post hoc tests if you
need such a test.
post hoc test When used
with an ANOVA, a means of
comparing all possible pairs
of groups to determine which
ones differ significantly from
each other.
post hoc test When used
with an ANOVA, a means of
comparing all possible pairs
of groups to determine which
ones differ significantly from
each other.
Tukey’s honestly significant
difference (HSD) A post
hoc test used with ANOVAs for
making all pairwise comparisons
when conditions have equal n.
Tukey’s honestly significant
difference (HSD) A post
hoc test used with ANOVAs for
making all pairwise comparisons
when conditions have equal n.
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