■ ■
(repetition) or some form of elaborative rehearsal. In addition, we specify the
type of elaborative rehearsal to be used in the different experimental groups.
Group 1 (the control group) uses rote rehearsal, group 2 uses an imagery
mnemonic technique, and group 3 uses a story mnemonic device. You may
be wondering why we don’t simply conduct three studies or comparisons.
Why don’t we compare group 1 to group 2, group 2 to group 3, and group
1 to group 3 in three different experiments? There are several reasons this is
not recommended.
You may remember from Chapter 9 that a t test is used to compare per-
formance between two groups. If we do three experiments, we need to use
three t tests to determine these differences. The problem is that using multi-
ple tests inflates the Type I error rate. Remember, a Type I error means that
we reject the null hypothesis when we should have failed to reject it; that is,
we claim that the independent variable has an effect when it does not. For
most statistical tests, we use the .05 alpha level, meaning that we are willing
to accept a 5% risk of making a Type I error. Although the chance of making
a Type I error on one t test is .05, the overall chance of making a Type I error
increases as more tests are conducted.
Imagine that we conducted three t tests or comparisons among the three
groups in the memory experiment. The probability of a Type I error on any
single comparison is .05. The probability of a Type I error on at least one of
the three tests, however, is considerably higher. To determine the chance
of a Type I error when making multiple comparisons, we use the formula
1 – (1 )
, where c equals the number of comparisons performed. Using
this formula for the present example, we get the following:
1.86 .14
Thus, the probability of a Type I error on at least one of the three tests is .14,
or 14%.
One way of counteracting the increased chance of a Type I error is to
use a more stringent alpha level. The Bonferroni adjustment, in which the
desired alpha level is divided by the number of tests or comparisons, is
typically used to accomplish this. For example, if we were using the t test to
make the three comparisons described previously, we would divide .05 by 3
and get .017. By not accepting the result as significant unless the alpha level
is .017 or less, we minimize the chance of a Type I error when making multi-
ple comparisons. We know from discussions in previous chapters, however,
that although using a more stringent alpha level decreases the chance of a
Type I error, it increases the chance of a Type II error (failing to reject the null
hypothesis when it should have been rejected—missing an effect of an inde-
pendent variable). Thus, the Bonferroni adjustment is not the best method of
handling the problem. A better method is to use a single statistical test that
compares all groups rather than using multiple comparisons and statistical
tests. Luckily for us, there is a statistical technique that will do this—the
analysis of variance (ANOVA), which will be discussed shortly.
Another advantage of comparing more than two kinds of treatment in
one experiment is that it reduces both the number of experiments conducted
Bonferroni adjustment
Setting a more stringent alpha
level for multiple tests to
minimize Type I errors.
Bonferroni adjustment
Setting a more stringent alpha
level for multiple tests to
minimize Type I errors.
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