■ ■
means that if someone asked us how big a difference study type makes on
test performance, we could answer that we are 95% confident that the differ-
ence in performance on the 30-item test between the spaced versus massed
study groups would be between 2.92 and 7.28 correct answers.
Assumptions of the Independent-Groups t Test. The assumptions of the
independent-groups t test are similar to those of the single-sample t test.
They are as follows:
• The data are interval-ratio scale.
• The underlying distributions are bell-shaped.
• The observations are independent.
• If we could compute the true variance of the population represented
by each sample, the variances in each population would be the same,
which is called homogeneity of variance.
If any of these assumptions is violated, it is appropriate to use another
statistic. For example, if the scale of measurement is not interval-ratio or if
the underlying distribution is not bell-shaped, then it may be more appro-
priate to use a nonparametric statistic (described later in this chapter). If the
observations are not independent, then it is appropriate to use a statistic for
within- or matched-participants designs (described next).
t Test for Correlated Groups: What It Is and What It Does
The correlated-groups t test, like the previously discussed t test, compares the
means of participants in two groups. In this case, however, the same people
are used in each group (a within-participants design) or different partici-
pants are matched between groups (a matched-participants design). The test
indicates whether there is a difference in the sample means and whether this
difference is greater than would be expected based on chance. In a correlated-
groups design, the sample includes two scores for each person, instead of
just one. To conduct the t test for correlated groups (also called the t test for
dependent groups or samples), we must convert the two scores for each per-
son into one score. That is, we compute a difference score for each person by
subtracting one score from the other for that person (or for the two individu-
als in a matched pair). Although this may sound confusing, the dependent-
groups t test is actually easier to compute than the independent-groups t test.
The two samples are related, so the analysis becomes easier because we work
with pairs of scores. The null hypothesis is that there is no difference between
the two scores; that is, a person’s score in one condition is the same as that (or
a matched) person’s score in the second condition. The alternative hypothesis
is that there is a difference between the paired scores—that the individuals (or
matched pairs) performed differently in each condition.
To illustrate the use of the correlated-groups t test, imagine that we
conduct a study in which participants are asked to learn two lists of words.
One list is composed of 20 concrete words (for example, desk, lamp, bus);
the other is 20 abstract words (for example, love, hate, deity). Each partici-
pant is tested twice, once in each condition. (Think back to the discussion
correlated-groups t test
A parametric inferential test
used to compare the means of
two related (within- or matched-
participants) samples.
correlated-groups t test
A parametric inferential test
used to compare the means of
two related (within- or matched-
participants) samples.
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