Complex Experimental Designs
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factor A, one for factor B, and one for the interaction term. Therefore, we
need to determine three values of F
, one for each of the three terms in
the study.
To determine F
for factor A (word type), we look at the degrees of free-
dom for factor A (df
1). This represents the degrees of freedom between
groups for variable A, or the number running across the top of Table A.8. We
move down the left-hand column to the df
), which is 28. Where 1
and 28 intersect, we find that F
for the .05 level is 4.20, and F
for the .01
level is 7.64. This means that for our F
to be significant at either of these
levels, it has to exceed the F
for that alpha level. Because our F
for factor
A exceeds both these values of F
, it is significant at the .01 level. In APA
publication format, this is written as F(1, 28) 13.95, p .01. This means
that there was a significant main effect of factor A (word type). If we look at
the column means from Table 11.2 for word type, we see that participants
did better (remembered more words) when concrete words were used than
when abstract words were used. I have initially interpreted the main effect of
factor A at face value, but we will see when we interpret the interaction that
participants did not remember concrete words better in both of the rehearsal
type conditions.
We also need to determine F
for variable B and for the interaction term.
Because the degrees for freedom are the same for all of the terms in this
study (1, 28), we use the same values of F
. In addition, because the values
of F
also exceed the F
of 7.64 for the .01 level, we know that the F
factor B and for the interaction term are also significant at the .01 level. Thus,
for factor B (rehearsal type), F(1, 28) 75.97, p .01, indicating a significant
main effect of rehearsal type. Referring to the row means from Table 11.2, we
see that participants remembered substantially more words when imagery
rehearsal was used than when rote rehearsal was used. Once again, I have
interpreted the main effect of factor B at face value, but we will see that the
interaction qualifies this interpretation. In other words, imagery rehearsal
led to better performance overall, but not when we break it down by word
type. Last, for the interaction term, F(1, 28) 38.76, p .01, indicating that
there was a significant interaction effect. When rote rehearsal was used,
word type made no difference; however, when imagery rehearsal was used,
the performance for the two word types varied. With imagery rehearsal,
participants remembered significantly more concrete words than abstract
words. To aid in your interpretation, try to draw the graph representing the
cell means for this 2 2 design.
Assumptions of the Two-Way Randomized ANOVA. The two-way rand-
omized ANOVA is used when you have a factorial design. The remaining
assumptions are as follows:
• All conditions (cells) contain independent samples of participants (in
other words, there are different participants in each condition).
• Interval or ratio data are collected.
• The populations represented by the data are roughly normally distributed.
• The populations represented by the data all have homogeneous variances.
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