710 18 Titanium Silicalite-1
bonds, are inert. The presence of electron - withdrawing groups in 1 - chlorohexane
and methyl heptanoate strongly decreases hydroxylation while orienting the attack
on the remote methylene groups. Consistently, no dihydroxylation is observed
under the conditions of Table 18.2 , and it is negligible on C
n - paraffi ns. Both
the absence of consecutive hydroxylation and remote oxyfunctionalization reveal
the electrophilic properties of the active species.
Evidence on the latter was obtained by the use of additives, substrate probes and
labeled molecules. The addition of small amounts of protonic acids promoted
hydroxylation. Alkali metal salts and basic compounds produced the opposite
effect, with inhibition or complete deactivation of the catalyst, depending on the
amount used. The subsequent addition of hydrochloric acid restored the initial
activity, showing that inhibition and deactivation by salts and bases are completely
reversible phenomena [24, 29] . On these grounds, the active species could be
identifi ed as a fairly acidic Ti hydroperoxide or an oxidant, still unknown, produced
by its further transformation [24] . However, the involvement of Ti
OOH as the
active species of a heterolytic mechanism is not consistent with the results of the
competitive hydroxylation of aromatic and aliphatic C
H bonds, pointing instead
to a homolytic pathway.
Two types of substrate probe, cis - and trans - 1,3 - dimethylcyclopentane and
ethyl - and 2 - propylcyclopropane, were used to shed light on mechanistic details of
the hydroxylation step [30] . In the use of the fi rst two probes, the participation of
OOH species in a concerted mechanism would predict either the retention or
the inversion of confi guration at the chiral center, while the stereochemistry of a
homolytic mechanism would be determined by the competition between the
epimerization of the transient tertiary carbon radical and C
O formation (Scheme
18.1 ). In the hydroxylation of cyclopropyl probes, the cyclopropylcarbinyl radical
clock can either rearrange to ring - opened 3 - buten - 1 - yl radical before being trapped
or rebound with the hydroxyl carrier to yield the alcohol product directly (Scheme
18.2 ). With TS - 1, nearly equal amounts of trans - and cis - 1,3 - dimethylcyclopentanol
were obtained from the fi rst type of probe, while no rearranged products were
obtained with the second ones. These results suggest that the putative radical
intermediate is very short - lived, but not short enough to prevent the racemization
of the tertiary carbon radical. Incidentally, it was estimated that epimerization and
cyclopropyl rearrangement occurred with fi rst order rate constants of 10
and ca
− 1
, respectively [30, 31] .
The use of radical quenchers and the competitive oxidation of cyclohexane and
cyclohexane - d
led to identifi cation of the active species as a Ti - centered radical
Scheme 18.1 Hydroxylation of sterically pure cis - and trans - 1,3 - dimethylcyclopentane.