tinuously in the liquid phase in a stirred reactor. Cyclohexanone, ammonia and
hydrogen peroxide were fed, at 80 – 90 ° C and slight over - pressure, into a slurry of
TS - 1 in aqueous t - butanol. The effl uent was separated from the catalyst through
a fi lter, and sent to a distillation column. Excess ammonia and the solvent, recov-
ered overhead, were recycled in the reactor, while the aqueous solution of oxime,
taken from the bottom, underwent further purifi cation. Periodic purging and
make - up operations of the catalyst were necessary to compensate for irreversible
The fi rst commercial application, made possible by an agreement between
EniChem and Sumitomo, went on - stream in 2003 in Japan, within the context of
an integrated process for the production of ε - caprolactam by a new salt - free tech-
nology (ca 60 000 t a
− 1
). Actually, besides the ammoximation step, no major by -
product is produced even in the gas - phase rearrangement carried out on silicalite - 1
as the catalyst. On the whole, the ammonium sulfate is no longer a burden and
the gaseous emissions too are drastically reduced.
The truly innovative nature of the EniChem process over earlier ones is appar-
ent. The preparation of hydroxylamine in the latter case necessitates multi - step
operation, often ending with major co - production of inorganic salts, as in the
Raschig process. The ammoximation of cyclohexanone, with its in situ generation
of the intermediate, reduces signifi cantly the investment and operation costs while
improving the environmental compatibility. The new process represents a good
example of how to combine profi tability and environmental concern.
Propene Oxide Synthesis ( HPPO )
The industrial process for propene oxide manufacture is commonly referred to as
the HPPO ( hydrogen peroxide propene oxide ) process. EniChem set up a prototype
plant in 2002 [150] . BASF/Dow Chemicals and Degussa, in turn, have the con-
struction of commercial plants already in progress or at the planning stage [151] .
In the EniChem process (6 t day
− 1
), a dilute solution of hydrogen peroxide and a
gaseous stream of propene were fed into a stirred reactor containing TS - 1 and
aqueous methanol [150] . The process was operated continuously, at moderate
pressure and temperature. The selectivity could be as high as 98%. Propene, the
epoxide and methanol were recovered by distillation of the effl uent, while glycol
by - products accumulated in the aqueous solution at the bottom of the column.
The latter, depending on the selectivity of epoxidation, was either processed to
recover the glycols or sent directly to the biological plant, for fi nal treatment before
disposal. The stability of the catalyst to deactivation, achieved by the appropriate
control of operating conditions, was very high and did not require frequent regen-
eration. According to Romano, the new process is characterized by lower environ-
mental impact, simpler process design and relatively lower investment and
operating costs than conventional ones [150] .
Less is known of the processes developed by other companies. BASF/Dow
Chemical, in a joint venture, started the construction of a 300 000 t a
− 1
plant at the
BASF site in Antwerp (Belgium) at the end of 2006 [151] . Hydrogen peroxide will
18.9 Industrial Processes Catalyzed by TS-1 735