13.4 Catalysis by Uranium Oxides 555
furan and crotonaldehyde over UO
, and stoichiometric reactions using TPD
demonstrated that the type of product was related to the surface coverage. At low
surface coverage of acetaldehyde, furan was predominant and the product distribu-
tion shifted to furan and crotonaldehyde as the surface coverage increased. The
mode of acetaldehyde adsorption was studied by FTIR, and distinctly different
modes were identifi ed depending on the uranium oxide catalyst. The differences
in products over the oxides have been explained in terms of the possible adsorption
modes and the variation in the semiconductor properties of the different oxides.
Two further reduction reactions of interest are the TPD of acetone over U
the principal product being isobutene, and over UO
forming mainly propylene
[61] . Again a signifi cant difference between the two uranium oxides used for these
reactions resides in the fact that, in the fi rst case, U
reacted leading to C
bond formation to give a C
olefi n. However, over UO
the main product was pro-
pylene, once again showing the ability of UO
to accommodate excess oxygen in
its fl uorite structure.
The dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene is an important process used for styrene
manufacture, and uranium oxide catalysts have been investigated for this reaction.
A catalyst of uranium dioxide supported on alumina showed high selectivity to
styrene of 96% at high conversion [62, 63] . The catalyst was synthesized as a higher
oxide of uranium and initially it was not UO
. Consequently, over the initial on -
stream period only carbon dioxide and water were observed, as the catalyst pro-
duced total oxidation products. However, as the reaction preceeded the uranium
oxide was reduced in situ by the ethylbenzene and hydrogen to form the active
phase. It was only when the uranium oxide was fully reduced to UO
styrene was produced with high selectivity.
Nickel catalysts supported on uranium oxides have been reported for the hydro-
genation of carbon dioxide to methane [64, 65] . The catalysts were selective below
500 ° C, as CO was the major product at higher temperatures. The nickel was
deposited on the catalysts by evaporation and the reduction characteristics of the
catalysts were complex, depending on the calcination conditions and the metal
content. The uranium oxide support had a crucial role in maintaining the high
dispersion of the active nickel by preventing sintering. The most active catalysts
were those with the highest stable nickel surface areas.
Uranium oxide catalysts have largely been employed for the reduction of organic
species but, in a series of interesting studies, a uranium oxide catalyst has also
been used for the reduction of NO
and simultaneous oxidation of CO [66] . Studies
showed that NO
was converted to N
with 100% selectivity under favorable reac-
tion conditions. Using a mixture of 4%NO, 4%CO with a balance of He, different
uranium oxides were tested in a fi xed bed micro - reactor. The results obtained are
shown in Table 13.5 , and compared with a conventional supported Pt catalyst.
At lower temperatures, reduction of NO produced N
O as the major product,
whereas an increase of reaction temperature not only enhanced NO conversion
but generally improved selectivity, as the only product obtained was N
More - detailed studies of uranium - based catalysts for NO
reduction and CO
oxidation have been published and concentrate on catalyst characterization [67]