J.-W. Choi, T. Lee and J. Min 350
(LB) technique and another is self-assembly monolayer (SA) technique.
These two methods are comprehensively used for immobilizing
biomolecules on a substrate. The LB technique can be very powerful for
making nanoscale film which contains biomolecules. Because, it is
available to process in biological amphiphilic layers, and it can be
considered biological membranes. Also, this membrane has been
shown to its activity when transferred to inorganic surface. In these
reasons, there are many researchers studied this technique for making
bioelectronic device such as photodiode and biosensor.
The SA
technique is also promising tool for constructing nanoscale layer which is
composed of organic molecules for various applications such as field-
effect transistor (FET), single-electron transistor (SET) and the others.
Generally molecule which is used for self-assembly contains a head
group, and a terminal group and its body group. Head group which is
consisted of alkanethiols is used to react with solid surface and terminal
group is reacted with biomolecules. The body group constitutes
hydrocarbon chain structure. In many case, this self-assembly molecule
was regarded as a chemical linker for immobilizing the biomaterial. In
many case, it has been shown that sulfur compounds coordinate strongly
many metal substrates, for example, Au, Ag, Ti, Cu and Pt. In nowadays,
Au substrate has been widely used to make SAM. It is hard to oxidize in
the ambient conditions.
In previous time, our group proposed some bioelectronic device
composed of biomolecular hetero langmuir-blodgett (LB) film. The
purpose of this electronic device was to accomplish electronic functions
of the molecular photodiode, switching device for photocurrent
generation and rectifier function.
Recently, our group introduced the
redox protein for making biomemory device by self-assembly technique
and the principles of this protein based biomemory device were
demonstrated in a previous study by our research group.
Here, we review the working principle, fabrication technologies, and
electronic function proofs of biomolecules based on bioelectronic device
and also briefly survey nanobio elelctronic device which could be one of
alternative standard device format in human-mechanics interfacing