A second mechanism of resistance involves alterations in PBPs which affect
binding of /3-lactams. These changes have been found to occur by multiple substitutions
through recombination rather than point mutations. Acquired penicillin resistance in
Strep, pneumoniae is because of such gene mosaics which code for an altered yet
functional PBP with reduced affinity for penicillin. Sections of the susceptible PBP
gene have been replaced by other DNA sequences, presumably via transformation.
Clinically, one of the most important examples of /3-lactam resistance is that found
in methicillin-resistant Staph, aureus (MRSA) strains. These are causing increasing
concern in hospitals, especially because methicillin resistance is often accompanied by
multiple resistance to unrelated antibiotics. Methicillin is resistant to /^-lactamases and
is a mainstay in the treatment of Staph, aureus since over 90% of hospital strains produce
/3-lactamase. Methicillin resistance is due to a novel PBP with low affinity for /3-lactams.
It is capable of functioning when all other PBPs have been inhibited and is sufficient to
catalyse all the reactions necessary for cell growth. Resistance is mediated by the mec
gene, whose origin is unknown. This is an example of resistance by duplication of an
antibiotic target, the new version being resistant to the antibiotic.
A third resistance mechanism is akin to that described for the AGAC antibiotics
and chloramphenicol, whereby changes in the outer membrane porins of Gram-negative
bacteria reduce the penetration of /3-lactams resulting in low levels of resistance.
3.3.2 Glycopeptides
Glycopeptide antibiotics interfere with peptidoglycan synthesis by binding to the D-
alanyl-D-alanine terminus of peptidoglycan precursors. Resistance to glycopeptides
was thought unlikely because the changes in integral structures and functions of the
cell wall and the enzymes involved in its synthesis would render bacteria non-viable.
As is often the case, bacteria have a nasty habit of surprising us!
Acquired resistance to the glycopeptides is transposon-mediated and has so far
been largely confined to the enterococci. This has been a problem clinically because
many of these strains have been resistant to all other antibiotics and were thus effectively
untreatable. Fortunately, the enterococci are not particularly pathogenic and infections
have been confined largely to seriously ill, long-term hospital patients. Two types of
acquired glycopeptide resistance have been described (Woodford et al. 1995). The
VanA phenotype is resistant to vancomycin and teicoplanin, whereas VanB is resistant
ORF1 ORF2 vanR vanS vanH vanA vanX vanY vanZ
Transposase Response Dehydrogenase Dipeptidase unknown
regulator ,
,. „ „ . TcR?
Resolvase HPK Ligase D, D-carboxy-
Transposition Regulation Required for Accessory
glycopeptide proteins
Fig. 9.4 Organization of glycopeptide-resistance genes in transposon Tnl546. IR, invested repeats;
HPK, histidine protein kinase; TcR, low level teicoplanin resistance.
194 Chapter 9