Another way to clean a surface, especially silicon, is to etch
the native surface oxide off in very dilute hydrofluoric acid
(1%). Most metals and all silicon have an oxide on the surface.
Silicon oxide or silicon dioxide is hydrophilic or water loving.
After a few seconds in HF, the surface becomes hydrophobic or
water hating. This is easily seen because silicon wafers ‘‘dewet,’’
where the acid sheets off the wafer leaving an almost dry
substrate when pulled out of the acid. By etching away a thin
layer, particles or sulfate-laden layers left over from piranha
cleaning can be removed from a surface.
Small particles (below about 5 mm) CANNOT be blown off of
a surface with an air stream or flowing liquid. Fluid streams have a
velocity of zero near the surface. Below about 1 mm, the adhesion
force of a particle is far greater than any force reasonably possible
with a moving fluid stream.
4.8. Rinsing and Drying Rinsing and drying are perhaps the single most important step in
any wet process. Dedicated wafer processing labs have clean water
delivered in special piping, detailed below. Clean tanks, glassware,
and other hardware are also very important for getting clean
surfaces because a fingerprint inside a rinse tank can lead to an
organic film on a wafer. Regardless of the rinse method used, never
let water drops dry on a wafer surface. DI water is very corrosive
and will leave water stains.
A very good tool for rinsing a wafer after a cleaning or wet
etching process is the spin rinse dryer. After an immersion rinse
for 5 min in flowing DI water, substrates in a boat are spun
while being rinsed with more DI water. A final high-speed spin
with flowing filtered nitrogen finishes the process and leaves
clean, dry wafers. Since entropy always increases, a freshly
cleaned wafer surface is a magnet for particles. Immediately
place the clean wafers in a clean container. As with all tools,
verify that the machine is clean by running clean dummies in it
before processing your wafers.
More modern facilities use variations on alcohol dryers.
These tools are based on the Marangoni effect, which is
defined in the IUPAC Compendium of Chemical Technology,
2nd ed. 1997, as ‘‘Motions of the surface of a liquid are
coupled with those of the subsurface fluid or fluids, so that
movements of the liquid normally produce stresses in the
surface and vice versa. The movement of the surface and of
the entrained fluid(s) caused by the surface tension gradients is
called the Marangoni effect.’’ These dryers can leave very clean
dry surfaces and lower a lab’s water usage. However, they are
larger tools and not often found in smaller laboratories, but
are the ideal tools for drying wafers. Effectively, alcohol dis-
places the water on the surface of a wafer and surface tension
effects remove particles.
22 Chinn