28 HRW / September 2009 www.hydroworld.com
Malte Cederstrom is a senior
civil engineer in Vattenfall’s
hydropower division. He was
responsible for directing the
investigations of the failed
anchors and developing
recommendations for
their replacement.
By Malte O. Cederstrom V
attenfall AB, Sweden’s largest power produc-
er and Europe’s fth largest, operates 53 large
hydropower plants in Sweden. The 33 terawatt-
hours of hydroelectricity generated by these plants,
along with Vattenfall´s nuclear power, account for
about half of the country’s power production. Vat-
tenfall places great importance on its dam safety
activities, which include research, emergency pre-
paredness, surveillance, safety evaluations, and
system-wide programs of safety upgrades.
Several of Vattenfall’s concrete dams are stabi-
lized with post-tensioned anchors. Surveillance of
these dams includes a regular check on the func-
tionality of the anchors. In 2002, a load test of
anchors at the 120-MW Alvkarleby hydro project
on the Dalalven River, 170 kilometers north of
Stockholm, revealed that seven of the 78 anchors
in the intake canal wall had ruptured. Diagnosing
the cause of the failures proved to be a lengthy
process involving the design engineer, the manu-
facturer, the installer, and laboratory specialists
performing chemical and metallurgical analysis.
As a result of the investigation, Vattenfall installed
a different type of anchor throughout the facility
and no longer relies on the remaining anchors.
Installing the anchors at Alvkarleby
The Alvkarleby plant was constructed in the be-
ginning of the 20th century and began producing
power in 1915. The original plant had ve gener-
ating units and a total capacity of 70 MW. The
development included a 200-meter-long intake
canal partially blasted in rock and partially lined
with concrete walls. The concrete walls were cast
in 10- to-15-meter-wide monoliths ranging in
height from 3 to 16 meters. Drainage pipes were
installed in the walls, and the expansion joints
were sealed to prevent leakage.
In the late 1980s, Vattenfall added a new 50-MW
unit and refurbished the old units. To accommodate
the increased turbine ow, the intake walls were
raised and reinforced. Design loads considered in
raising the walls included water pressure, uplift, ice,
and load rejection. The left wall was raised about 0.6
meter, and a 0.3-meter thickness of concrete was cast
on the inside of the wall, with reinforcement bars con-
necting the new concrete, old concrete, and rock.
To further stabilize the wall, Vattenfall contracted
with a construction company to install 78 36-milli-
meter post-tensioned anchors in holes drilled through
the old concrete and 6 to 8 meters of the underlying
rock (see Figure 1). The holes were tested for wa-
tertightness before installation of the anchors and, if
leaks were detected, were pressure- lled with grout
and redrilled. After re lling the holes with grout, the
contractor xed the anchors in the holes, grouted
the 5-meter anchoring zone, and allowed the grout
to cure. The upper anchor plate was then grouted
into place and allowed to cure, and the anchor was
tensioned to a force of 720 kiloNewtons. The ten-
sion force applied to the anchors was 66 percent of
the nominal yield strength and 58 percent of the
nominal ultimate strength for the anchor material.
During installation, the anchors’ elongation was
also measured at various loads and compared with
expected values. Before the installation, the anchors
Investigating Failures of
Post-Tensioned Anchors
When seven post-tensioned anchors along the intake canal wall at the Alvkarleby hydroelec-
tric station in Sweden failed, dam safety engineers for owner Vattenfall AB conducted an
exhaustive investigation of the nature and causes of the failure. The investigation gave the
utility the information needed to safely restabilize the dam.
Dam Safety
This article has been evaluated
and edited in accordance with
reviews conducted by two or
more professionals who have
relevant expertise. These peer
reviewers judge manuscripts for
technical accuracy, usefulness,
and overall importance within
the hydroelectric industry.
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