1868 Political disagreements between Congress and Presi-
dent Andrew Johnson become so great that the presi-
dent is impeached. He avoids being removed from of-
fice by one vote in his Senate impeachment trial.
1868 Congress passes the Fifteenth Amendment, which ex-
tends voting rights to blacks, and sends the bill along
to individual states for ratification.
1868 Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Louisiana, North Caroli-
na, and South Carolina are readmitted into the Union
by Congress.
1868 Republican Ulysses S. Grant is elected the eighteenth
president of the United States.
1870 The Fifteenth Amendment, guaranteeing voting
rights for blacks, is ratified by the states and becomes
1870 Congress passes the Enforcement Act of 1870 in an ef-
fort to protect the voting rights of all citizens—espe-
cially blacks—in the South.
1870 Georgia, Mississippi, Virginia, and Texas are readmit-
ted into the Union by Congress.
1871 Congress passes the Ku Klux Klan Act, which outlaws
conspiracies, use of disguises, and other practices of
the white supremacist group.
1872 Ulysses S. Grant is reelected president of the United
1875 Congress passes a Civil Rights Act barring discrimina-
tion in hotels, theaters, railroads, and other public
1876 Republican Rutherford B. Hayes and Democrat
Samuel J. Tilden run a very close race for the presiden-
American Civil War: Almanacxxx
1869 1870 1872 1873
The first
football game is
San Francisco’s
cable streetcar
begins service.
The Jesse James
gang robs its
first passenger
The first black
U.S. legislators
take their seats.
Civil War Almanac FM 10/7/03 3:59 PM Page xxx