France for $15 million. This acquisition
of land, known as the Louisiana Pur-
chase, added more than eight hundred
thousand square miles to the United
States. The Louisiana Purchase was a
very sound investment for America,
since the land would eventually make
up all or part of thirteen states
(Arkansas, Iowa, Missouri, Minnesota,
South Dakota, North Dakota, Okla-
homa, Nebraska, Louisiana, Kansas,
Colorado, Montana, and Wyoming).
After completing the transac-
tion with France, the United States di-
vided the Louisiana Territory into sev-
eral smaller territories. It was agreed
that as these territories became settled,
they would be able to apply for state-
hood and join the Union. But when
the Missouri Territory applied for
statehood in 1818, the issue of slavery
immediately emerged as an obstacle.
Missouri had petitioned Congress for
statehood as a slaveholding state. This
news pleased the Southerners. After
all, if Missouri was admitted as a slave
state, the number of slave states in the
Union would be greater than the
number of free (nonslave) states by a
twelve-to-eleven count. This in turn
would mean that the South would
have more senators in the U.S. Senate
than the North, since each state was
representated by two senators. (State
representation in the United States’
other major legislative body, the
House of Representatives, was deter-
mined by population size; since the
population in the North was higher
than in the South, the North was able
to send a greater number of represen-
tatives to the House than the South.)
In the Northern United States, howev-
er, many people objected to the idea
of admitting Missouri as a slave state.
At first it seemed as if North
and South would never reach agree-
ment on Missouri’s status. Tempers
flared as representatives of each side
suggested solutions that were unac-
ceptable to the other side. Politicians
from the North argued that slavery
should be banned in all new states,
while Southern legislators insisted
that each state should have the right
to determine for itself whether to
allow slavery within its borders. With
each passing day, anger about the
issue boiled a little higher. As the
deadlock over the conditions of Mis-
souri’s admission continued, a worried
Thomas Jefferson wrote that “this mo-
mentous question, like a fire bell in
the night, awakened and filled me
with terror. I considered it at once the
knell [sign of disaster] of the Union.”
Finally, a powerful senator
from Kentucky named Henry Clay
(1777–1852) put together a compro-
mise plan that both sides grudgingly
accepted. Under the terms of Clay’s
plan, Missouri would be admitted into
the Union as a slave state. But at the
same time, a section of the Northern
state of Massachusetts known as
Maine would be admitted into the
Union as a free state. This arrange-
ment would ensure a continued bal-
ance in the number of slave and non-
slave states. In addition, Clay’s
Missouri Compromise of 1820 estab-
lished a line across the midsection of
American territory above which slav-
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