to Know” sections that combine those terms from individual
chapters, and a list of “Research and Activity Ideas” with sug-
gestions for research efforts, oral and dramatic presentations,
and group projects. American Civil War: Almanac concludes
with a bibliography of sources for further research and a com-
prehensive index.
American Civil War Reference Library
American Civil War: Almanac is only one component
of a three-part American Civil War Reference Library. The
other two titles in this multivolume set are:
• American Civil War: Biographies: This two-volume set pre-
sents profiles of sixty important figures from the Civil
War era. The essays cover such key people as politicians
Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis; military figures
Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, David Farragut, and Brax-
ton Bragg; and nurse Clara Barton, spy Rose O’Neal
Greenhow, and photographer Mathew Brady. The vol-
umes are filled with photographs, individual “Where to
Learn More” sections, and an index.
• American Civil War: Primary Sources: This title presents
fourteen full or excerpted speeches and written works
from the Civil War. The volume includes an excerpt from
Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin, President Abra-
ham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation and Gettys-
burg Address, and the letters between Union general
William T. Sherman and Atlanta, Georgia, city leaders.
Each entry includes an introduction, things to remember
while reading the excerpt, information on what happened
after the work was published or event took place, and
other interesting facts. Photographs, source information,
and an index supplement the work.
• A cumulative index of all three titles in the American
Civil War Reference Library is also available.
The authors extend thanks to Larry Baker and Tom
Romig at U•X•L for their assistance throughout the produc-
tion of this series. Thanks, too, to Christine Alexanian for her
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