of the few hundred soldiers who
reached the wall. The other remnants
of the assault force limped back to
Confederate positions.
Lee’s decision to attack the
center of the Union’s defenses had re-
sulted in disaster. Of the fifteen thou-
sand troops who had taken part in
Pickett’s Charge, only half returned.
Pickett’s division suffered particularly
heavy losses. He lost two-thirds of his
men in the attack, and only one of his
thirty-five officers escaped the charge
without being killed or wounded. Hor-
rified by his misjudgment, Lee admit-
ted to the survivors that he was to
blame. He then gathered his bloodied
troops together and retreated back to
Virginia, haunted by the knowledge
that his invasion of the North had
ended in failure.
The Battle of Gettysburg took
an awful toll on both armies. Meade’s
Army of the Potomac sustained more
than twenty-three thousand casualties
in the three days of fighting, while the
Confederates lost approximately
twenty-eight thousand troops. But
while both sides suffered enormous
losses in the clash, it was clear that the
Union had won a major victory. Get-
tysburg had reduced the size of Lee’s
Army of Northern Virginia by one-
third at a time when Confederate ef-
forts to recruit new soldiers were fal-
tering. Moreover, the battle had
driven the Confederates out of the
North. Finally, Meade’s victory
showed Northern soldiers and civil-
ians alike that Lee could be beaten on
the field of battle.
Pickett (1825–1875) to rush Cemetery
Ridge, the heart of the Northern de-
fenses. Noting that these divisions
would have to cross a mile of open
ground to reach the Union line,
Longstreet repeatedly urged Lee to re-
consider his plan. But the Confederate
general refused to change his strategy,
and at 3 P
.M. Longstreet reluctantly re-
layed Lee’s order to attack.
In the hours prior to the at-
tack, Confederate artillery units had
directed a torrent of shellfire at
Union positions in hopes of knocking
out Federal cannons. Lee knew that if
those weapons were disabled, it
would be much easier for his troops
to reach Cemetery Ridge. At first, the
Union had responded to the South’s
bombardment with a major artillery
attack of its own. As time passed,
however, most of the Union guns fell
silent. Lee hoped that their silence
meant that they had been knocked
out of action. But as Pickett and Petti-
grew launched their assault—which
came to be known as “Pickett’s
Charge”—the Union cannons came
to life once again, repeatedly hitting
the advancing rebel soldiers with a
hail of deadly fire.
Pickett and Pettigrew pushed
their troops forward, but as they
rushed over the unprotected hillside
toward Cemetery Ridge, Northern
cannons and gunfire took a fearsome
toll. By the time the first Confederate
soldiers reached the low walls of
Cemetery Ridge, several of the attack-
ing rebel divisions had been de-
stroyed. Union troops easily disposed
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