less than fifty thousand men. In the
meantime, the swift arrival of Sher-
man’s and Hooker’s Union divisions
pushed the Federal troop strength to
more than fifty-six thousand.
On November 24, Grant or-
dered an attack on Bragg’s army, which
was concentrated along Missionary
Ridge and Lookout Mountain near
Chattanooga. Union troops first at-
tacked Lookout Mountain, taking con-
trol of the position with surprising
ease. The following day, Grant moved
to take Missionary Ridge, the rebels’
lone remaining stronghold. Thomas’s
Army of the Cumberland led the at-
tack. Forced to endure weeks of teasing
from Sherman’s and Hooker’s troops
because of their defeat at Chickamau-
ga, Thomas’s troops entered the field
of battle in an angry mood. After seiz-
ing a row of Confederate rifle pits,
they charged up the mountain slope to
attack the rebel position at the top of
Missionary Ridge. Grant watched this
development with alarm, for no one
had ordered such a charge. But the
brave assault was successful. As the
Army of the Cumberland drove into
the Confederate lines, the rebels broke
into a complete retreat.
The Union victory at Chat-
tanooga was a very important one. The
Confederate withdrawal into Georgia
served as a strong signal that Federal
control of the West could not be bro-
ken by the rebels, and it reassured
Northern public opinion. In addition,
the ragged Confederate retreat con-
vinced Davis that Bragg needed to be
removed from his command. Davis
as Grant had done to them during the
siege at Vicksburg.
The situation at Chattanooga
deeply alarmed the Lincoln administra-
tion. Lincoln viewed Rosecrans’s behav-
ior as “confused and stunned like a
duck hit on the head.” The president’s
military advisors warned him that the
siege of Chattanooga might ruin the
Army of the Cumberland. As the Con-
federate stranglehold over the city
tightened, Federal troops under the
command of Joseph Hooker and
William T. Sherman (1820–1891) were
ordered to travel to the area to give as-
sistance. In mid-October, Lincoln ap-
pointed Ulysses S. Grant to take control
of all Union troops in the entire West.
As soon as Grant received his
promotion, he replaced Rosecrans
with Thomas as commander of the
Army of the Cumberland. He then
took action to deliver supplies to the
Union troops trapped in Chattanooga.
By the end of October, a series of ma-
neuvers enabled the North to open a
supply route into the city, and morale
among the troops in the Army of the
Cumberland rose dramatically.
During the first few weeks of
November, the situation at Chat-
tanooga continued to sour for the
South. Bragg’s relationships with his of-
ficers and troops worsened to the point
that Jefferson Davis actively considered
replacing him. In addition, more than
twelve thousand Confederate troops
were sent to Knoxville, Tennessee, as
part of a failed attempt to pry the city
loose from Union control. This depar-
ture of troops reduced Bragg’s army to
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