South. Halleck continued to press his
advantage, instructing Grant to pur-
sue Johnston’s battered rebel troops.
Johnston was forced to retreat all the
way to the northern Mississippi town
of Corinth. Once he arrived there,
however, he combined his army with
Confederate troops under the com-
mand of Pierre G. T. Beauregard
(1818–1893). The addition of Beaure-
gard’s men gave Johnston a total of
approximately forty-four thousand
rebel soldiers under his command.
Grant, meanwhile, stopped his ad-
vance about twenty miles north of
Corinth, near a small country church
called Shiloh in Tennessee.
Grant’s army of forty-five
thousand troops stopped at Shiloh to
wait for an additional twenty-five
thousand soldiers that Buell was
bringing from Nashville. When he
had all seventy thousand Union sol-
diers at his disposal, Grant intended to
crush Johnston’s army once and for
all. But as Grant waited for his rein-
forcements to arrive, he made a seri-
ous strategic error. Confident that
Johnston’s exhausted army would not
dare to attack him, Grant never both-
ered to prepare for such a possibility.
Johnston, meanwhile, decid-
ed that the only way he might beat
Grant was if he launched a surprise
attack before Buell arrived with his
additional Union troops. On April 3,
Johnston’s Confederate troops
marched out of Corinth in the direc-
tion of Grant’s camp. Three days
later, on the morning of April 6, a
wave of gray-clad Confederate troops
charged out of the woods surround-
ing Shiloh just as Grant’s soldiers
were settling down to enjoy their
morning coffee. The surprise attack
delivered brutal punishment to the
unprepared Yankee troops, who fell
by the hundreds. But Grant rallied his
men. In the furious battle that fol-
lowed, Johnston was killed. When
Beauregard learned of Johnston’s
death, he immediately assumed com-
mand of the Southern troops.
Both armies withdrew from
the field of battle at nightfall to rest
for the next day. During the night,
though, Grant received much-needed
assistance in the way of troops from
Buell’s army. Grant ordered a full-scale
Union attack the following morning,
and the bloody battle resumed. Beau-
regard’s Confederate troops fought
valiantly. But as the day wore on,
Grant’s advantage in firepower and
troop size became increasingly clear.
Beauregard finally called for a retreat
in order to avoid defeat, and the bat-
tered remains of the rebel force limped
back to Corinth. Grant made little ef-
fort to pursue his foe, for his troops
were similarly bruised and exhausted.
When news of the Battle of
Shiloh reached the rest of the country,
all visions of the war as a glorious and
glamorous conflict were shattered. Ap-
proximately thirteen thousand Federal
soldiers had been killed or wounded in
the battle, while the South had lost an-
other ten thousand men. This horren-
dous toll cast the war in a grim new
light and made everyone wonder just
how bad the war might yet become.
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